Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang (UM Palembang) appreciated their lecturers on Thursday (19/05). The merit were particularly granted to lecturers who have published scientific works. In addition, the scientific articles that have been published from April 1st, 2021 to April 16th, 2022 reached 305 articles. From the overall amount, seventeen articles are indexed in Scopus. Meanwhile, several articles that had SINTA accredited comprised 239 articles.
The prize for appreciation to Unmuh Palembang lecturers accounted for 1,2 billion rupiahs divided into several classifications. For Q1 journals with First Author status, UM Palembang gave 25 million. UM Palembang also provided 20 million for Q2 journals with First Author status, 15 million for Q3 journals with First Author status, and 10 million for Q4 journals with First Author status. Furthermore, UM Palembang also provided 7,5 million for SINTA 2 with First Author status, 2,5 million for SINTA 3 and 4 with First Author status, and a million for SINTA 5 with First Author status.
On this occasion, the Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development, Prof Dr. Edy Suandi Hamid MEc; the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Province Board of South Sumatera, Prof Dr. Romli SA MAg; and the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board Unmuh Palembang, Dr. HM Idris MSi attended the awarding agenda. The Vices-Rector, Deans, Vices-Dean, and the Heads of Study Program were also presented. Dr. Abid Djazuli SE MM, the Rector of UM Palembang delivered his remarks by mentioning UM Palembang’s intention to keep improving and compete in International circumstances.