UMG International Seminar Discussed Health Social Issue

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik (UMG) collaborated with Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 (LPESAO2), Thailand, to conduct an international seminar on Tuesday (30/11). The workshop entitled “1st International Seminar UMGCINMATIC Rethinking Education During Covid-19 Era: Challenges and Innovations”. The event has conducted online through Zoom Meeting. Moreover, the agenda involved transnational experts and academicians, including the United States, the Philipines, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The seminar was a series of annual International UMG Seminar. Currently, the agenda was focused on the social issue in health, education, and the economy. Dr Eko Budi Leksono, the Rector of UMG, and Mr Prasit Kamking, the Director of LPESAO2, Thailand, opened the agenda. Afterwards, Dr Thira Bhawangkanantha, the Senior Advisor in Networking System and Participations Development (OBEC), the Ministry of Education in Thailand also accompanied.

The resource persons in the seminar were Widens Pierre, ESL educators, and the trainer of the AECS Business Acceleration Program, United States. Second, Dr Wanida Simpol, LPESAO2 supervisor, Thailand. Third, Dr Jeffry Ocay, Eastern Visayas States University educator, the Philipines. Fourth, Dr Yudhi Arifani MPd and Dr Tumirin MSi, UMG lectureres. The seminar offered the opportunity to the participants to present their materials. Afterwards, as written on the official UMG site, the committee announced the best presenters in each room before the schedule ended.

UMG International Seminar Discussed Health Social Issue

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