UMKO Equipped 302 Students For Community Service Program

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO) held Community Service (KKN) Preparation online, Monday (16/08). The preparation was conducted online due to the UMKO support to handle the pandemic. Because the Covid-19 transmission increased in Kotabumi, Lampung Utara.

KKN UMKO, as reported on the official site, is a learning process that provides practical experience to the students. The experience includes the active contribution as students dedicated to the communities. Afterwards, the dedication involves techno-preneurship, Islamic value implementation, and local wisdom. It is part of the learning process, which is closely related to student fostering entirely. Moreover, the development and improvement of the community’s competence are included in the process. The KKN approach is participative, which allows the community to contribute more to the development process.

The Rector of UMKO, Dr Sumarno MPd, delivered his remarks at the meeting. Meanwhile, Vice-Rector I, Dr Didiek R Mawardi, SH, MH continued the agenda by providing guidelines for all participants of KKN UMKO 2021. He mentioned the purpose of the preparation, including providing insights, knowledge, skills, and techniques in carrying out the program.

Three hundred and two students followed this community service program, divided into various villages and governmental institutions. Undoubtedly, the KKN UMKO implementation followed specific considerations and, particularly, to apply the health protocol. This community service would be conducted in one month, 23 August – 23 September 2021.

UMKO Equipped 302 Students For Community Service Program

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