Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) celebrated Eid Al-Adha in 10 Dzulhijjah 1443 H slaughtering and distributing the 2.100 sacrificial meats. The slaughtering of 9 cows from 63 shohibul qurban was conducted on Saturday (09/07) and Sunday (10/07). The 63 sacrificial animal donors were UMPO academic civitas collected by the Philanthropic Body of Muhammadiyah (LazisMu). From 9 sacrificial animals, it resulted in 2.100 packages of meat to be distributed. The sacrificial meats were distributed to communities in the foster villages of Muhammadiyah.
The distribution in foster villages consisted of Pundak and Jambon districts, not only the sacrificial meats, but also groceries packages from UMPO lecturers and staff. The groceries were also distributed to surrounding communities and the Muhammadiyah Local Board. The Qur’an education institutions also received the groceries, including the beneficiaries in various parties.
The Head of Islamic Da’wa Studies and Development (BP3DI) UMPO, Bambang Wahrudin MPd explained about the program. According to him, that UMPO celebrated Eid Al-Adha by distributing 2.100 sacrificial meats had made the beneficiaries grateful and encouraged them to keep worshiping Allah. On the other hand, it also improved the blessing for UMPO through the beneficiaries’ prayers. “We define Eid Al-Adha as a worshiping act and obedience form to Allah SWT. It is what we will try to reach by sacrificing animals, that can be defined as to control our human’s desire. So in the future, we can improve our faith and devoutness to Allah SWT,” he said. [] CHERD / UMPO