Strengthening Muhammadiyah Ideology, ITS PKU Muh Surakarta Held Baitul Arqam

To strengthen Muhammadiyah ideology, ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta held Baitul Arqam in collaboration with Muhammadiyah Central Board, Wednesday-Thursday (13-14/07). With the theme “Internalization of Islamic and Muhammadiyah teachings in Campus Life”, the ideological training was followed by 82 participants composed of leaders, lecturers, and educational personnel in ITS PKU Muh Surakarta.

The program aimed to strengthen Muhammadiyah comprehension for academic civitas of ITS PKU Muh Surakarta. It was attended by Dr Khoiruddin Bashori, KH Dr Tafsir MAg, Dr Ari Anshori MAg, Prof Sofyan Anief MSi, Weni Hastuti MKes PhD, and Dr Syamsul Hidayat MAg.

Weni Hastuti MKes PhD, the Rector of ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta, delivered her materials on Baitul Arqam to revitalize the comprehension of Muhammadiyah’s ideology. “We have religious spirit in Muhammadiyah that all ITS PKU Muhammadiyah academic civitas should improve and implement it everywhere, and refresh their Muhammadiyah understanding,” he said.

Furthermore, the Committee of Baitul Arqam, Suyanto, M.Ag mentioned the program also aimed to unify perspective for all ITS PKU Muhammadiyah academic civitas. “Campus civitas should have a common perspective in integrity, insight, and viewpoint in understanding and implementing the Muhammadiyah mission. Civitas should understand the ideology of Muhammadiyah movement and implement the spirit of Islam and Muhammadiyah in their campus life,” he concluded.

ITS PKU Muh Surakarta Held Baitul Arqam Strengthening Muhammadiyah Ideology

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