Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (Umri) welcomed five Professors from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) on Monday (14/11). Their arrival became a part of Academic Strategic Collaboration Visit of UMK to Indonesia where UMRI became the destination. In the visit, several important agreements had been arranged among two parties.
The Vice Rector III for Student affairs, Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies and Collaboration, Dr Jufrizal Syahri MSi mentioned that several programs would be organized in the foreseeable future by the two parties.
“Strengthening of the collaboration is not limited to continue the lecturer studies, but also in the transnational education potency, including to be a partner for UMK in international class. Indonesian students who want to pursue higher education in UMK can follow the class in UMRI. It is not only efficient, financially, but the students can receive Master or Doctoral certificates from an overseas university,” Jufri said.
At least three strategic programs would be arranged to strengthen the partnership. Also, UMRI has been invited to be a part of Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT). IMT-GT is a collaborative strategic plan to promote national growth through greater regional economic integration and innovation and social economic development in three nations. Lastly, the collaboration of UMK and UMRI in conducting Indonesian government programs, the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM), would be a student mobility program.
Starting in the next year, UM Riau and UMK would be committed to a one-semester student exchange program for the credit transfer. In this meeting, it aimed to match the curriculum between UMRI and UMK to support the program. Besides the exchange program, UMK would also open the short course through Summer Camp program for UMRI students to improve the academic skills and language in UMK.
Furthermore, UMRI and UMK also agreed to collaborate the research, publication, and lecturer exchange, according to the Vice Rector I for Academic affairs, Dr Wirdati Irma, SPd MSi. “For the research, UMRI currently does research in botanical topics about the growth and development of Raflesia and Mangrove in various parts of Riau Province. Also, we conduct research about tropical peat which has become the biggest area of peat in Indonesia,” she said.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and International of UMK, Prof. Dr Nik Maheran binti Nik Muhammad in her remarks,” We consider UMRI as our strategic partner because we come from the similar families. We count on UMRI to collaborate in entrepreneurship, technology, and legal. We also see the opportunities to make UMRI as the first campus to have ACEEU accreditation (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) in Indonesia,” she said.