The 10th Professional Nurse Students of Unisa Bandung Follows Capping Day

On Saturday (17/09), a hundred and forty-three students of the Health Science Faculty (FIKes) Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Bandung (Unisa Bandung) followed the Oath-taking Ceremony organized in Mujahidin Mosque Hall. That was a statement from Alfin Riandi, S.Kep., M.Kep in an interview on Monday (19/09). Alfin also explained that the Oath-taking Procession was directly led by the Dean of the Health Science Faculty.

“The Oath-taking Ceremony is directly led by the Dean of the Health Science Faculty of Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Bandung, and witnessed by the university , hospital, public health care leaders, and internal and external preceptors that have been invited by the Academic department to witness the oath-taking of Capping day. The procession is also witnessed by the Indonesian National Nurses Association of Bandung that provides direction and encouragement to prepare students before following clinical duties in each hospital,” he said. The Head of the Nursery and Professional Nurse study program, Nina Gartika, S.Kep. M.Kep mentioned that the Oath-taking Ceremony was a procession to prepare students that in carrying out the practical study.

“On Oath-taking Ceremony, the procession includes taking the nurse’s pledge and scientific lecture, especially in health science that aims to provide understanding for students about work etiquette, rights, and responsibilities in conducting clinical practice,” Nina said in an interview, Sunday (19/09). Furthermore, Nina also expected that the students should apply the knowledge they have received and avoid making fatal accidents in providing nursing practice and healthcare based on knowledge to the patients. [] CHERD / Unisa Bandung

Unisa Bandung 10th Professional Nurse Students Follows Oath-taking Ceremony

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