Anosmia Chamber of UM Purwokerto students is Registered as Patent

UM Purwokerto students created Bilik Anosmia ‘Anosmia Chamber’ (Bilas) as a simple therapeutic instrument for COVID-19 patients. The innovation helped the patients temporarily lose their smell so that it could be recovered.

The Team leader of the Anosmia Chamber, Sultan Dzikrillah Akbar, explained the anosmia chamber is an instrument made from acrylic, where acrylic is material from transparent polymer plastic in the form of sheets is usually used as the glass substitution. “Because this acrylic material is softer than the usual glass. The anosmia chamber is a connector instrument to do the anosmia therapy, which consists of eucalyptus so that it can ease the quarantined persons (due to COVID-19) to do the anosmia therapy,” he said, Thursday (2/9).

The innovation used improved steam therapy principles so that it is more effective and easy to use. The anosmia chamber is formed as acrylic materials that extend upwards with the width of an adult’s face. At the same time, the therapeutic instrument is an electric pan. “First, the pot is placed in an acrylic chamber. Then pour about 250CC of mineral water, then add 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil or eucalyptus oil. Then it is heated to produce steam,” said Najwa Safira, one of a volunteer team at the Banyumas Regency Government’s centralized quarantine area.

The steam generated will not spread everywhere because the chamber traps it. After generating the steam, the patient’s therapy is started. The patient inhales the vapor approximately 15 minutes in the morning.

The field supervisor of KKN RCB UMP, Ns. Endiyono, S.Kep., M.Kep explained that the anosmia chamber is registered as an Intellectual Property because this innovation is a work that is the result of thinking that produces a product/process that is beneficial for COVID-19 patients with anosmia therapy. The nation has recognized the innovation according to the applicable regulations. “Temporarily, the anosmia chambers produced are 3 chambers; for the meantime, it has been used in a quarantined center, Pondok Slamet. Shortly, we have to develop and produce in large amount to help anosmia therapy for the self-isolation in houses,” he concluded. [] Diktilitbang

Anosmia Chamber of UM Purwokerto students is Registered as Patent

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