UMJ Webinar Strengthen Democracy in Indonesian Political Lens

UMJ Webinar: Strengthening Democracy in Indonesia Political Lens

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) held an online webinar on Thursday (30/06). The webinar raised the theme “Political Party Reformation, Strengthening Its Role As The Pillar of Democracy”. The Master program of Political Science (MIPOL) of the Social and Political Science (FISIP) UMJ organized the webinar by inviting various speakers, including academicians, practitioners, and students. They were Habib Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi SE, the General Secretary of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 2020-2025; Zulfikar Arse Sadikin SIP MSi, the Indonesia House of Representative of Functional Groups Party (Golkar); Chusnul Mar’iyah PhD, the lecturer of Master degree in Political Science UMJ; and Iqbal Hafsari SPd, the student Master degree in Political Science.

The theme represented the current political condition in Indonesia. Dr Asep Setiawan MA, the Chairman of the Master’s program in Political Science started by explaining the function of the political party. “The political party becomes a part of infrastructures that produce strong cadres with a global and visionary perspective. People will experience the existence,” he said. Furthermore, the political party can play an important role in the political system, as the connector between government and people,” he said.

Aboe Bakar criticized the political party that had not played its role optimally. In line with Aboe Bakar, Chusnul Mar’iyah PhD also questioned the political party’s position to respond Aboe Bakar’s statement that the party has an essential role in channeling the people and its government. Afterward, Zulfikar Arse Sadikin also mentioned the nonoptimal function of political parties was caused by several factors, including the modernization of elite fragmentation and the country’s intervention. “We have to return the party to the modernization aspect. So the political party is not only the infrastructure but also the superstructure,” Zulfikar said. Also, Iqbal Hafsari SPd mentioned several problems of political parties.

Alhamdulillah, UHAMKA Achieves Excellent Accreditation Status

Alhamdulillah, UHAMKA Achieves Excellent Accreditation Status

Muhammadiyah – ‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) increased the quantity of its Excellent Accreditation status. After being achieved by UM Yogyakarta, UM Surakarta, and UM Malang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA (Uhamka) also received excellent accreditation status with Decree No. SK/290/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/PT/VI/2022 became the best accreditation status among others (28/06).

The achievement coincided with the 2022 Commencement Ceremony for Bachelor, Master, and Vocational degrees of Uhamka batch 2 that raised the theme “Prophetic University for the Excellent Generation in The Digital Era” in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). The excellent accreditation status is a shred of evidence from other achievements, including as Top Higher Education Institutions in Jakarta, the first place of Webometrics impact version from all MHEIs in Indonesia-Malaysia. Furthermore, Uhamka becomes the Top 5 Universities in the Implementation of Independent Learning Independent Campus program.

On the other hand, Uhamka also commits to curriculum improvement, facilities, and technological enhancement, and the most important thing is educational development. Previously, Uhamka had received the excellent accreditation status for Indonesian Education and Literature (PBSI) from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

Prof Gunawan Suryoputro, the Rector of Uhamka, highly appreciated this achievement as a result of the hard work of the lecturers, education personnel, students, alumni, and all Uhamka big family. “Alhamdulillah, today we are so proud to release the young Hamka to pursue their dreams. We also received a special gift as Uhamka has excellent accreditation status. Thank you for the hard work from the lecturers, education personnel, students, alumni, and all of Uhamka’s big family.

Gunawan also continued that of 2,887 universities in Indonesia registered in the National Accreditation for Higher Education (BAN-PT), only 31 universities received excellent status and Uhamka became one of them.

Be highlighted, the excellent accreditation status is the highest achievement for a university in Indonesia. The evaluation was conducted by BAN-PT considering nine criteria, including vision, mission, purpose and target, governance and management system, collaboration, students, human resources, financial condition, facilities, educational system, research, community services, outputs, and Tri Dharma ‘three values’ of higher education implementation.

IAIM Sinjai Socializes Student Organization Formalization

IAIM Sinjai Socializes Student Organization Formalization

The Institute of Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah Sinjai (IAIM Sinjai) conducted socialization on Wednesday (29/06). The socialization was held as the initiative of an ad hoc team of Student Organizations Guideline of IAIM Sinjai. The socialization invited various representatives of the student organization. Previously, the development of the guideline was on the substance revision of the book. Therefore, the socialization discussed the book revision that has developed with varied IAIM Sinjai boards.

The Ad hoc team of Student Organization Guideline, Badiana SPdI MPdI, admitted that the meeting was to socialize the revision result. He also mentioned that each student organization in the Institute of Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah Sinjai could work on certain functions and duties. The disciplinary and leadership system became an important point to be monitored. Therefore, the book aimed to detail the duties and functions of the existing organizations. It could be a guideline for student organizations, including the Student Senate (SEMA), Student Council (DEMA), Varied Study Program Association (HIMAPRODI), Student Activity Units (UKM), and Muhammadiyah autonomous organization. “It includes the technical system of leadership elections.

UM Surabaya Postgraduate: Ready to Collaborate To Enhance HR Qualities

UM Surabaya Postgraduate: Ready to Collaborate To Enhance HR Qualities

The postgraduate program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) held Judicial Procession and Scientific Oration by raising the theme “Sharia Financial Law Process: An Opportunity and Challenge” that invited Dr Bahruddin Muhammad SH MH (The Chief of Surabaya Religious Court) in East Java.

The Judicial Process of Postgraduate Program, UM Surabaya was conducted in the odd semester in the year 2021-2022, located in the Theater Building, the Faculty of Medical Science, Sunday (26/06). Forty-seven students followed the agenda consisting of three study programs, including the postgraduate programs of Sharia Financial Law (HES) for 11 participants, Educational Thoughts for 27 participants, and English Education and Literature Studies (PBSI) for 9 students.

On this occasion, the committee mentioned students with the highest GPA in each postgraduate program. For Islamic Education (PI), Dwi Agus Widodo, M.Pd reached a GPA of 3,94, meanwhile for English Education and Literature Studies (PBSI), Acci Ayu Pujaanti, M.Pd reached a GPA of 4,00. Furthermore, for the Sharia Financial Law, Nur Maini Hisyam, M.H. reached a GPA of 3,98.

Prof Dr. Abdul Hadi, M.Ag, the Director of Postgraduate Program, UM Surabaya, mentioned that postgraduate students have a bigger responsibility, especially in the disruption era. “For instance, the students should consider developing knowledge that they have learned wherever you will work for and amid Indonesian people. So you can contribute to Muslim civilization nationally and globally”.

Moreover, Dr. Bahruddin Muhammad explained that in facing the technological era, the Religious Court needs high qualified human resources. “So I encourage all Religious Court in East Java to pursue higher education in Master and Doctoral degree, and they can study in the Sharia Financial Law department in UM Surabaya.

Afterward, Dr. Sholihul Huda, M.Fil.I, the Secretary of the Postgraduate program of UM Surabaya, mentioned that they were ready to collaborate with various parties in private and state institutions. “We are ready to collaborate to develop the human resource quality, especially in East Java with the academic quality, skill, and spiritual values of Islamic and Muhammadiyah to face the disruption era.

The postgraduate program also opens admission students in the year 2022-2023 with Islamic Education (PI) department, English Education and Literature Studies (PBSI) department, and the Sharia Financial Law department. “We welcome you all who will study in the postgraduate program in UM Surabaya located in Sutorejo 59 Surabaya. You can contact 081330343918 (Sholikh) for information details.

Book Review of Student Etiquette, To Provide Moral and Islamic Ethic Directions

Book Review of Student Etiquette, To Provide Moral and Islamic Ethic Directions

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research and Development (CHERD) held an online book review of Adab Mahasiswa ‘Student Etiquette’, Tuesday (28/06). The book becomes an etiquette guideline for all students in Muhammadiyah – ‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) that can be implemented in the learning process on campus. “There is some negative information about students on social media that can be roasted by people,” said Dr Muhammad Samsudin, S.Ag, M.Pd, the Vice Secretary of Muhammadiyah CHERD in his remarks. The phenomenon, according to Dr Muh Samsudin, needs to be responded to provide moral and Islamic ethics directions for all students. It is not only the Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK) lecturer or Islamic institution responsibilities, but it also becomes all academic civitas duties in shaping one’s character and personality. “So Muhammadiyah students have specific characters of their responsible etiquette based on Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h,” he said.

Ghoffar Ismail, S.Ag., M.A, the moderator led the presentation by mentioning the purpose of the publication. First, Muhammadiyah higher education institutions besides Tri Dharma also have Catur Dharma which involves Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK). It can encourage students in implementing good character and becoming exemplary in their future job duties. “That we presented on campus is philosophical, but the published book can be a practical guideline to teach etiquette in learning for students,” he said. Second, the encouragement for students to precede etiquette rather than knowledge. “With etiquette, the students know their position as the worshiper of Allah so the knowledge they receive can be beneficial for broader communities,” he said.

The book also consists of three main points, including the importance of etiquette, student etiquette in practicality, internalization and implementation strategy, and the indicators of achievement. The book is also available in two languages, Indonesian and Arabic. “For the following year, the book in English will be published,” said Ghoffar. In the book review, Fathurrahman Kamal., Lc., M.S.I, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Tabligh; Dr. M. Ilham Muchtar, Lc., M.A, Vice-Dean I in Islamic Studies Faculty of UM Makassar; and Dr. Norcahyono, S.Pd.I., MHI the Vice-Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs and AIK of UM Palangkaraya.

UMSIDA Community Service Preparation Encourages Villages Competitiveness

UMSIDA KKN Preparation Encourages Villages Competitiveness

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) held the Student Study Service (KKN) preparation for students on Saturday (25/06). The preparation located in KH Mas Mansur Room, UMSIDA, aimed to prepare the community service program. Seven hundred students attended the agenda divided into two batches, for instance, at 1 p.m and 3 p.m. It raised the theme “The Village Competitiveness through Collaboration towards Welfare”. The students were expected to prepare properly, physically, spiritually, and financially.

For the Student Study Service, UMSIDA comprised of KKN Pencerahan (KKN-P) and KKN Terpadu (KKN-T). KKN-P becomes a student program of Clustering KKN, Non-clustering KKN, and Independent KKN. Six hundred thirty-eight students in Clustering KKN were sent to 44 different villages. The other seventeen students followed Independent KKN in their regions.

The Committee Chief for KKN, Rohman Dijaya MKom prompted the students in this socialization. According to him, the students should consider the main points in conducting KKN. One of them is to keep coordinating with their partners in KKN. “Currently, UMSIDA collaborates with ‘Aisyiyah Branch and Local Board to arrange the KKN programs. It aims to analyze the partnership requirements with ‘The Aisyiyah branch and the local board to prioritize problems. In KKN implementation, the students also have to be independent and precede their etiquette in maintaining the good name of UMSIDA,” he said. [] CHERD / UMSIDA

Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta Held Webinar Discussing Women's Empowerment

Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta Webinar About Women’s Empowerment

Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta (Aiska University) held an online webinar last Saturday (25/06). The webinar also became a pre-Congress of Muktamar Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah in the next November. The webinar raised the theme “Strengthening ‘Aisyiyah Movement for Women Progressive Enlightenment in The Digital Era”. The webinar invited two speakers, including Dr. Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah MSi, the Secretary of ‘Aisyiyah Central Board. Dr Tri Hastuti is a Communication Science lecturer in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). She was accompanied by the second speaker, Dr. Eny Purwandari SPsi MSi, who also serves as a Psychology lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS).

The webinar discussed two main topics about women empowerment, especially in ‘Aisyiyah, and progressive movement in the rapid development of the digital era. Dr. Tri Hastuti highlighted the history of ‘Aisyiyah and media social development. Afterward, Dr. Eny mentioned psychological problems in the current era. One of the main focuses was Maslow’s hierarchical theory of needs.

In addition, the Rector of Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta, Riyani Wulandari SKEp Ns MKep delivered her remarks. “Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta has several programs, including podcasting called Talk Alive ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta (TALAS),” she said. Besides the Rector, the Chairman of ‘Aisyiyah Regional Board (PDA) of Surakarta, Siti Maesaroh, SAg also gave her speech.

SBMPTMu Webinar, Prospective Students Have 6 Things To Consider

SBMPTMu Webinar, Prospective Students Have 6 Things To Consider

“After we graduate, what should we do?” asked Dr. Dody Hartanto SPd MPd as the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UAD when presenting on blended SBMPTMu Webinar “I’m Ready For College #3” from UAD Campus, Saturday (25/06). By the theme “Choosing the Right Campus in the Disruptive Era”, Dody explained that high school students should prepare for their goals and dreams seriously. Particularly, the understanding of the business world and competitiveness rank was varied. The data shows the proportion of job seekers was dominated by high school graduates. Even 6-7 million people face the threat of unemployment due to the Termination of Employment (PHK). “It means that the students should understand that in the future, the job seekers do not merely have high/vocational school certificates,” he said. Therefore, pursuing higher education becomes the best choice, because students not only earn certificates but also a growth of perspective and understanding of etiquette and ethics in higher education.

Dody also mentioned six things to consider for prospective students to face the future. First, seriously consider the power of continuous prayers. Second, to assume the university with good quality assurance, for instance, its accreditation status, etc. Third, focus on the skills to master based on specific job opportunities in a particular field. Fourth, to emphasize the interaction with a lot of people. Fifth, to be active in the organization and seek updated information. Sixth, choose a campus that prepares various abilities and invest in Judgment Day. “Before you enroll in a university, you should understand the study program you choose, check the campus type, and prepare your spiritual, physical, and cognitive condition,” he said.

Andhita Dyorita K, M.Psi, Psikolog, in her materials that raised “Choosing The Right Campus As Hard-Skill and Soft-Skill Development”, also mentioned that 78 percent of students wrongly choose their study program. Therefore, the students should consider that in choosing the right campus, they also understand that they also need soft skill improvement besides hard skills. “Soft skill is the way they collaborate in a team, public speaking, self-management, and many other things,” she said. She also admitted that the renowned campus has no guarantee to produce someone successful. However, it depends on themselves. “Wherever the place to pursue higher education, when we have potency, value, and etiquette, it will be an important factor to be accepted in the targeted company,” she continued. According to Andhita, in choosing a campus, the prospective students should implement three essential things, first, to understand themselves based on their potencies. Second, to enhance the hard skill by practicing it in school, courses, internships, and many others. Third, to improve the soft skill by participating in the organization, social and religious activities.

The third presenter of this SBMPTMu webinar, Muhammad Munsarif, S.Kom, M.Kom raised the topic “Choosing The Modern and Progressive Campus”. He prompted the students to check a campus based on their official social media. The prospective students were expected to consider the accreditation status of the targeted university. “Besides the accreditation status of the university, the students should acknowledge the accreditation in a specific study program. Make sure you choose the right study program,” he said.

At An Audience, UMGO Discuss Collaboration With Local Government

At An Audience, UMGO Discuss Collaboration With Local Government

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMGO) conducted an audience with the local government of Gorontalo on Monday (20/06). The audience was conducted through The Natural and Computer Science (FSIK) UMGO. It aimed to strengthen the collaboration of Catur Dharma ‘the four values’ in Muhammadiyah – ‘Aisyiyah higher education institutions. The audience was located in the Official Residence of Gorontalo Regent. Prof Nelson Pomalingo, who warmly welcomed the invitation, was accompanied by several officials in Gorontalo.

The Dean of FSIK UMGO, Dr Talha Dangkua, mentioned several topics of the discussion. “FSIK has the intention to collaborate and contribute to the development of Gorontalo Regency,” he said. The collaborative programs comprised the management of the Forest Conservation Area (TAHURA); the operation of the Local Tax Information System and Asset application; and the scholarship proposal for FSIK students.

Prof Nelson positively responded to the collaborative intention of FSIK due to institutional support for local development in Gorontalo. “We also appreciate collaboration, starting from the environment to technology. The feedback from UMGO contributions is not only for UMGO but also for regional growth,” he said.

The regent also asked FSIK to keep coordinating with related institutions to follow up on the program, especially to realize the plan for the Local Tax Information System and Asset application. Nelson also encourages FSIK to develop the existing system in the government. “And also, for the scholarship, it can be specified for the students who own a Personal Identification Card (KTP) as Gorontalo resident, or the students who conduct a research in Gorontalo as certain terms and conditions,” he concluded.

One SBMPTMu For Indonesia

One SBMPTMu For Indonesia

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) organized SBMPTMu (Joint Entrance Selection of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions) Webinar in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (Unisa), and UM Semarang (UNIMUS). The blended webinar was conducted on the UAD campus, Saturday (25/06). The webinar that raised the theme Aku Siap Kuliah #3  ‘I’m Ready For College #3’ invited three speakers, comprised Dr Dody Hartanto SPd MPd, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UAD; Andhita Dyorita K, MPsi, Psikolog, the Chairman of Psychological Services Bureau Unisa Yogyakarta; and Muhammad Munsarif SKom MKom, the Head of Media Center Institute Unimus.

Addressing the webinar, Prof Haedar Nashir explained SBMPTMu program becomes an endeavor for all Muhammadiyah – ’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) to achieve three goals, first, improving collaboration and synergy among MHEIs, second, receiving the best input and resources for the learning process/the students. “Through this (SBMPTMu) program, insyaAllah, we can achieve inputs from qualified student resources that will allow us to produce the best graduates,” said Prof Haedar. He continued the third goal by mentioning that SBMPTMu would support equal access and opportunities without geographic barriers or certain conditions, so all prospective students throughout Indonesia are able to study in MHEIs with a strong network and access. He also expected that the program could be improved to accelerate MHEIs’ development in the transformation and competitive era.

Furthermore, Prof Lincolin Arsyad, the Chairman of CHERD, expressed his appreciation for the SBMPTMu program as the ease of access to higher education. “The prospective students can enroll in any university and have the opportunity to be accepted in MHEIs spread throughout Indonesia,” he said.

The SBMPTMu program is a joint entrance selection of MHEIs for all prospective students. In 2022, the program raised the tagline “One SBMPTMu for Indonesia”. The total of departments that participate in SBMPTMu is approximately 2000 study programs (including Medical Science and Dentistry) from 101 MHEIs. The enrollment schedule for the second batch will be opened from 20 June to 12 August 2022. After applying and taking a test, the prospective students will receive the result from one-day service system (available for all study programs, except the Medical Science and Dentistry). The further details can be accessed through the link here . [] CHERD