One SBMPTMu For Indonesia

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) organized SBMPTMu (Joint Entrance Selection of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions) Webinar in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (Unisa), and UM Semarang (UNIMUS). The blended webinar was conducted on the UAD campus, Saturday (25/06). The webinar that raised the theme Aku Siap Kuliah #3  ‘I’m Ready For College #3’ invited three speakers, comprised Dr Dody Hartanto SPd MPd, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UAD; Andhita Dyorita K, MPsi, Psikolog, the Chairman of Psychological Services Bureau Unisa Yogyakarta; and Muhammad Munsarif SKom MKom, the Head of Media Center Institute Unimus.

Addressing the webinar, Prof Haedar Nashir explained SBMPTMu program becomes an endeavor for all Muhammadiyah – ’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) to achieve three goals, first, improving collaboration and synergy among MHEIs, second, receiving the best input and resources for the learning process/the students. “Through this (SBMPTMu) program, insyaAllah, we can achieve inputs from qualified student resources that will allow us to produce the best graduates,” said Prof Haedar. He continued the third goal by mentioning that SBMPTMu would support equal access and opportunities without geographic barriers or certain conditions, so all prospective students throughout Indonesia are able to study in MHEIs with a strong network and access. He also expected that the program could be improved to accelerate MHEIs’ development in the transformation and competitive era.

Furthermore, Prof Lincolin Arsyad, the Chairman of CHERD, expressed his appreciation for the SBMPTMu program as the ease of access to higher education. “The prospective students can enroll in any university and have the opportunity to be accepted in MHEIs spread throughout Indonesia,” he said.

The SBMPTMu program is a joint entrance selection of MHEIs for all prospective students. In 2022, the program raised the tagline “One SBMPTMu for Indonesia”. The total of departments that participate in SBMPTMu is approximately 2000 study programs (including Medical Science and Dentistry) from 101 MHEIs. The enrollment schedule for the second batch will be opened from 20 June to 12 August 2022. After applying and taking a test, the prospective students will receive the result from one-day service system (available for all study programs, except the Medical Science and Dentistry). The further details can be accessed through the link here . [] CHERD

One SBMPTMu For Indonesia

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