Attending 76th Graduation Ceremony, Unismuh Graduates Receive Four Highlights

Attending 76th Graduation Ceremony, Unismuh Graduates Receive Four Highlights

Thousands of Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh) students gathered in the 47th Muktamar Convention Center to celebrate the 76th Graduation Ceremony, Thursday (23/06). From 1.257 graduates, Unismuh has achieved varied accomplishments, including a large number of students that received the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) scholarship. According to the University, the Rector of Unismuh Ad interim, Dr Abd Rakhim Nanda revealed that from 2018-2022, Kemdikbud awarded 22.046 students scholarships. “The total value of the scholarship in the period is estimated at 65.2 billion rupiahs,” he said.

The scholarships consist of academic achievement improvement (PPA), Bidikmisi, KIP-Kuliah (Indonesia Smart College Card Scholarship), Tuition Fee, and Difabel Assistances. However, Dr Rakhim Nanda continued, Unismuh students not only received the scholarship from the Ministry, but the Campus also awarded the students varied scholarship programs. “In 2022, Unismuh has prepared 250 academic scholarship, 250 hafidz scholarship, and 150 Muhammadiyah cadre (Bibit Unggul Persyarikatan) scholarship,” said Dr Rakhim Nanda, the Vice-Rector I Unismuh Makassar.

The graduates also received several highlights from various figures. Prof Irwan Akib, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Province Board (PWM) of South Sulawesi delivered his remarks to emphasize that academic achievement is one factor that leads to success. Unismuh, known as ‘the Blue Campus’, could provide various essential teachings for the graduates. According to the Former Rector of Unismuh, the blue color could create a calm and peaceful feeling. Blue is also identified as loyalty, trust, and responsibility. “When we have loyalty and maintain the trust, we can compete in the broader communities,” he said.

The Head of Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional IX, Drs Andi Lukman MSi prompted the alumni to own four competencies, comprising creativity, critical thinking, communication skills, and collaboration capabilities. “After this commencement ceremony, it is a new beginning for your own real life. Never stop learning and develop your skills,” Drs Andi Lukman said.

Addressing the graduates, Prof Thobroni, Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) representative, also highlighted to all Unismuh alumni to implement four daily habits. “I leave these messages for you, first, wake up to worship Allah SWT in the night (qiyamullail),” said Prof Thobroni. The UMM Professor of Islamic Studies continued the second highlight was to impel the students to be nice, especially to the parents as their saleh (devout) child. “The third is to improve good deeds, acts of kindness. And also, the fourth is to have generosity in giving to many charities,” he concluded.

UNISA Yogyakarta Held International Workshop To Prepare Landscape Transformation

UNISA Yogyakarta Held Workshop To Design Landscape Transformation

Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (UNISA Yogyakarta) collaborated with Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) to conduct an international workshop from Monday (13/06) to Tuesday (14/06). The workshop also cooperated with Malaysia higher education institutions that highlighted ‘collaboration on a child-friendly environment’. The workshop raised the theme “Design and Planning of Playscape and Ecological Literacy Milieu in an Urban Neighborhood for Young Children”. UNISA Yogyakarta held the workshop through the Architecture department, Science and Technology Faculty, UNISA Yogyakarta.

Aprodita Emma Yetti ST MSc, the Chairwoman of the Architecture department, UNISA Yogyakarta delivered her remarks by mentioning the aim of the international program was for students and lecturers’ learning process. She also appreciated the in-person workshop as a collaborative program. “The workshop was a synergy and continuity of collaboration from varied parties,” he said. Various parties that were involved in the collaboration were the Architecture study program, UNISA; Greennovation Group, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM); Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM); Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia; and Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS).

The workshop became a series of various activities, including collaborative research, community service, a collaborative expo, and an MoU agreement between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and UNISA Yogyakarta.

Afterward, Prof. Dr. Ismail Said from the Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) delivered his remarks by highlighting the child-friendly environment concept as an initiative agenda between WHO, UNICEF, and UNCR.

“The concept becomes an assurance for the rights of children for their survival, growth, and well-being in the young life,” he said. In addition, the workshop was continued by dividing 101 participants into several groups. The groups also received assignments to find the values of particular topics that would be a design project.

UM Metro Lecturers Develop An Application For Learning Algebra

UM Metro Lecturers Develop An Application For Learning Algebra

Dr Dwi Rahmawati, MPd; Ira Vahlia MPd; and Mustika, MKom, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro (UM Metro) lecturers, developed an application “Socrates-Based Linear Algebra” for students. The application development became a collaboration result between UM Metro and Universitas Lampung (Unila). Ira Vahlia mentioned that currently, the developmental process has implemented the research in 3 different universities, including UM Metro, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ), and Universitas Negeri Tanjungpura (Untan), Kalimantan. “The research involves Mathematics department students of UM Metro, UMJ, and Untan. Meanwhile, UM Metro and Unila become observers in the field surveys,” said Ira in a statement, Wednesday (16/06).

Dwi Rahmawati also explained that her team tried to observe the implementation of an application to learn algebra in classes. She assumed that students would enjoy the learning process through the apps. The apps could stimulate critical thinking in the students. “Especially in the module, we put questions based on Socrates that lead the students in constructing knowledge to adapt in rapid development,” said the Algebra lecturer.

On the other hand, Mustika, an IT expert, estimated their application is convenient to use and suitable for Millenials. “The application is user-friendly, so the app is easy to use. The multimedia basis makes the app suitable for the current generation and makes it fun for learning Mathematics,” said Mustika, a Computer Science lecturer.

Aligned with the statement, Dona Fitriawan MPd, one of the users in Untan, explained that the application could establish learning goals in the classroom. “The module is arranged based on Socratic methods that emphasize critical thinking in Mathematics. The app is clear, concise, and can stimulate the students to think critically,” Dona said. [] CHERD / UMMetro

UMKO Organizes Graduation Ceremony II and 3rd Anniversary Commemoration

UMKO Organizes Graduation Ceremony II and 3rd Anniversary Commemoration

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO) graduated 276 Bachelor’s students by organizing the in-person Commencement Ceremony II in the Law and Social Science Faculty courtyard, Tuesday (22/06). In his remarks, Dr Sumarno, MPd, the Rector of UMKO congratulated 276 alumni that comprised 154 Bachelors of Education and 123 Bachelors of Law. He also revealed that UMKO, established 3 years and 5 days ago, has recently increased the number of study programs. “Alhamdulillah, we commemorate our third anniversary by establishing a new study program, a Master’s degree in Law. Currently, we organize 12 study programs, including 11 Bachelor programs and 1 Master’s program,” he said.

On this occasion, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, M.A., the Deputy-Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD); Fansyuri Dwi Putra, SE, MSi, Head of General Division as representative of the Chairman of Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional II; Prof Dr Marzuki Noor, MS, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Province Board of Lampung Province; Drs H Lekok MM as representative of Budi Utomo, SE, MM, the North Lampung Regent attended the graduation ceremony.

At the University level, the best graduates from the Bachelor program were achieved by Martia Dwi Puspita Sari (English Education), Nova Sari (Mathematics Education), Wahyu Hidayat (Indonesia Language and Literature), Ara Octa Ariyantika (Mathematics Education), and Yuria Yusela (Law Science) as the first to the fourth UMKO valedictorians. Meanwhile, at the Faculty level, Febri Kiswanto (Indonesia Language and Literature), Amaliah (English Education), and Siti Aisah Alawiyah (Indonesia Language and Literature) became the first to third valedictorians from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). Al Anna Hofafa, Sri Retno Fatimah, and Dian Zahara were the first to third valedictorians from the Law Faculty. “Congratulations to you all. Good luck with contributing to the community. Keep on working hard to move forward on your life’s path. Maintaining the good name of UMKO anywhere,” said Dr. Sumarno. [] CHERD / UMKO

UM Jambi Workshop To Encourage Accreditation Preparation

UM Jambi Workshop Encourages Preparation Of Study Program Accreditation

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi (UM Jambi) held a workshop on preparing the study program accreditation on Friday (17/06). The workshop raised the theme “Socialization of Independent Accreditation Service Instrument”. It was conducted by the Informatics and Computer Department for Independent Accreditation Service in Informatics and Computer (LAM INFOKOM). Located in UM Jambi Auditorium, the workshop was a collaboration between Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi; Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi;  Universitas Dinamika Bangsa Jambi; Universitas Nurdin Hamzah Jambi; Politeknik Jambi; and AMIK Depati Parbo Kerinci.

On this occasion, Dr Indra, the Executive Board of the Independent Accreditation Service (LAM) mentioned the LAM INFOKOM preparation and instrument. In addition, Dr Nurdin SE ME explained that the workshop aimed to prepare UM Jambi for the accreditation process, especially the study program in informatics and computer fields, for instance, the Informatics and Computer department in UM Jambi.

The workshop attended by the higher education institutions’ representatives in Jambi ran successfully. The participants were enthusiastic about participating in this activity.

The British Ambassador to Indonesia Visits Muhammadiyah to Improve Collaboration in Education and Healthcare

The British Ambassador to Indonesia Visits Muhammadiyah to Improve Collaboration in Education and Healthcare

The President of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Prof Haedar Nashir accompanied by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Agus Taufiqurrahman were pleased to welcome the British Ambassador to Indonesia, Owen Jenkins to Muhammadiyah Central Board Office, Tuesday (21/06). The visitation, according to Prof Haedar, aimed to strengthen a close relationship that exists between the Muhammadiyah Foundation and the British Embassy.

During the visit, both parties intended to maintain and improve various collaborative programs in education and healthcare. “We look for new ways. The British Embassy will connect us to religious institutions in the United Kingdom (UK), so we can build harmonious collaboration, not only with the government of the UK but also the religious and social institutions in the UK,” Prof Haedar said.

Prof Haedar exposed Muhammadiyah and Moslem communities in Indonesia that are modern, tolerant, and peaceful, and highlight the values of inclusivity and plurality. He demonstrated several concrete non-discrimination actions of Muhammadiyah in Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, and the eastern part of Indonesia, irrespective of their culture, religion, ethnicity, etc.

Prof Haedar also appreciated the British Embassy’s arrival at Muhammadiyah Central Board Office. “We also invite Mr. Owen Jenkins to visit several Muhammadiyah higher education institutions and schools, including Madrasah Mu’allimin Yogyakarta, an International Islamic Boarding School,” he said. Responding to Prof Haedar’s statement, Muhammad Sayuti, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) exposed the discussion of the visit including collaboration between Muhammadiyah higher education institutions and the United Kingdom universities.

On the other hand, Owen explained that it was his first visit to Muhammadiyah and expressed his gratitude for a warm welcome. He admitted that the United Kingdom and Muhammadiyah had collaborated for a long period, and also expected that they could improve the collaboration in the following years. “We honour Muhammadiyah’s commitment to maintaining plurality, supporting Indonesian welfare, and upholding tolerance. Also, for the climate change issue, we appreciate and respect Muhammadiyah’s steps in nature conservancy,” he said.

Agriculture Faculty Unismuh Makassar Held 2022 Agriculture Graduate Gathering

Agriculture Faculty Unismuh Makassar Held A Graduate Gathering

The Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh) held an agriculture graduate gathering on Tuesday (21/06). The gathering at Khas Makassar Hotel, was conducted to celebrate the 76th Graduation Ceremony. At the graduate gathering, ninety-one graduates comprised 76 graduates from Agribusiness, three Aquaculture students, seven from the Forestry department graduates, and five others from Agrotechnology.

On this occasion, the Agriculture Faculty lecturer, Dr Ir Andi Khaeriyah MPd delivered her inaugural address. She mentioned that silaturrahmi ‘gathering to strengthen the bonding’ would be essential to receive sustenance, greater longevity, and eliminate contention. “I hope alumni can maintain the good name of their alma mater and apply the knowledge from studying in the faculty,” he said.

Furthermore, as the Rector representative, Dr Muhammad Tahir MSi, the Vice-Rector III delivered his remarks. The General Secretary of Alumni Association (IKA) Unismuh and the Vice-Rector II Unismuh, Dr Andi Syukri Samsuri MHum attended the gathering. On this agenda, varied leaders of Unismuh boards also presented. They were Dr Ir Sri Mardiyati SP MP, the Chairman of the Agribusiness department; Dr Hikmah Basalama SHut MSi, the Chairman of Forestry; Asni Anwar SPi MSi, the Chairman of Aquaculture; Dr Ir Kasifah MP, the Chairman of Agrotechnology; Dr Ir Irma Sribianti SHut MP IPM, the Chairman of Quality Assurance Institute of Agriculture Faculty; and all lecturers of Agricultural Science faculty. [] CHERD / Unismuh

Minister of Youth and Sports Visits, UMS Hosts ASEAN Para Games

Minister of Youth and Sports Visits UMS To Prepare ASEAN Para Games

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) were pleased to welcome the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport of the Republic of Indonesia on Monday (20/06). The visit, located in Edutorium KH Ahmad Dahlan Building, aimed to discuss UMS as the host of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games.

The Minister of Youth Affairs and Sport, Zainudin Amali, mentioned his visitation purpose. He intended to ensure the Edutorium UMS is compatible for the event according to the Solo Mayor’s report. “I never expected that Solo owns a building like this. I hope Solo has other buildings that have great capacities and magnificence such as the Edutorium, UMS,” Amali said.

Addressing the visit, the Rector of UM Surakarta, Prof Sofyan Anif expressed his gratitude on behalf of all academic civitas. Because, UM Surakarta has already prepared for hosting ASEAN Para Games. Prof Sofyan also mentioned that it would become UMS contribution to the nations. “Alhamdulillah, Edutorium building can be considered as appropriate and compatible for various requirements in Menpora visit,” he said.

He also added the most important factor for hosting ASEAN Para Games is specific facilitation for people with disabilities. The Edutorium building becomes a place that is compatible with the requirements due to the inclusive accommodation.

UMM Launches A Business Unit, The New Bookstore

UMM Launches A Business Unit, The New Bookstore

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) introduced a new business unit. On Sunday (20/06), UMM launched the New Bookstore (NBS) UMM directly inaugurated by the General Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), Ir. Mohammad Zainal Fatah. The bookstore is located beside Rayz Hotel, UMM in Tlogomas Street 50, Malang.

Moh Zainal mentioned the NBS became the right strategy for UMM in encouraging the students to be interested in reading. He also motivated the campus to provide scholarships. The scholarship not only covers the tuition fees but also provides a book scholarship program. The students could use the fund during their studies.

On the other hand, the Rector of UMM, Dr Fauzan MPd explained that NBS is inseparable from the effort to develop an academic atmosphere. He also expected that NBS could provide literacy access and facilities. Also, it could become an effective educational ecosystem for literacy. “I hope the bookstore can be a destination for communities and students to conduct a literature search. Therefore, it can improve their knowledge and insight over time,” Fauzan hoped.

UMM Launches A Business Unit, The New Bookstore2
Ir. Mohammad Zainal Fatah Inaugurated the New Bookstore (NBS) UMM

Interestingly, the NBS not only provides books from major publishing houses but also offers indie books rarely found in other bookstores. UMM also provides a coffee shop in the bookstore that possibly became the favorite place to read. Moreover, the bookstore is also completed with a podcast corner that is available for all students to develop their potencies.

The New Bookstore was a rebranding of the bookstore established in 2005. It aimed to encourage the youth to be a bibliophile generation, a generation who collects or has a great love for books. So the NBS provides educational books and other series of all genres. The soft launching agenda was also attended by various publishers that contributed to distributing their best books.

In Webometrics, Uhamka Stands First In Top Universities Among MHEIs

In Webometrics, Uhamka Stands First In Top Universities Among MHEIs

Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (Uhamka) has been awarded the highest rank in the Webometric ranking among 172 Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) throughout Indonesia. Webometrics is a ranking system for the world’s universities initiated by Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas/CSIC), the largest public research council in Spain. The rank aimed to promote academic web presence, supporting Open Access systems from universities to transfer knowledge.

Developing institutional motivation was assessed based on the visibility impact (50%), openness (10%), and excellence (40%). Meanwhile, from the impact factor, Webometrics ranked from media networking and information that spread in the digital world. The information particularly referred to the university. Uhamka commits to improving curriculum quality, good governance, facilities and technology, and human resources quality (as the most essential). “Currently, we are developing towards excellent accreditation status. By this achievement of Webometric assessment, we are motivated to move faster, more interactive, and tenacious,” said Prof Gunawan, the Rector of Uhamka.

Prof Gunawan also mentioned that Uhamka became the center of civilization capable of integrating the Four Values ‘Catur Dharma’ in every academic civitas program of MHEIs. It also aligned with Uhamka’s vision and mission as Prophetic Teaching University in the near future.