UMKO Organizes Graduation Ceremony II and 3rd Anniversary Commemoration

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO) graduated 276 Bachelor’s students by organizing the in-person Commencement Ceremony II in the Law and Social Science Faculty courtyard, Tuesday (22/06). In his remarks, Dr Sumarno, MPd, the Rector of UMKO congratulated 276 alumni that comprised 154 Bachelors of Education and 123 Bachelors of Law. He also revealed that UMKO, established 3 years and 5 days ago, has recently increased the number of study programs. “Alhamdulillah, we commemorate our third anniversary by establishing a new study program, a Master’s degree in Law. Currently, we organize 12 study programs, including 11 Bachelor programs and 1 Master’s program,” he said.

On this occasion, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, M.A., the Deputy-Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD); Fansyuri Dwi Putra, SE, MSi, Head of General Division as representative of the Chairman of Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional II; Prof Dr Marzuki Noor, MS, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Province Board of Lampung Province; Drs H Lekok MM as representative of Budi Utomo, SE, MM, the North Lampung Regent attended the graduation ceremony.

At the University level, the best graduates from the Bachelor program were achieved by Martia Dwi Puspita Sari (English Education), Nova Sari (Mathematics Education), Wahyu Hidayat (Indonesia Language and Literature), Ara Octa Ariyantika (Mathematics Education), and Yuria Yusela (Law Science) as the first to the fourth UMKO valedictorians. Meanwhile, at the Faculty level, Febri Kiswanto (Indonesia Language and Literature), Amaliah (English Education), and Siti Aisah Alawiyah (Indonesia Language and Literature) became the first to third valedictorians from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). Al Anna Hofafa, Sri Retno Fatimah, and Dian Zahara were the first to third valedictorians from the Law Faculty. “Congratulations to you all. Good luck with contributing to the community. Keep on working hard to move forward on your life’s path. Maintaining the good name of UMKO anywhere,” said Dr. Sumarno. [] CHERD / UMKO

UMKO Organizes Graduation Ceremony II and 3rd Anniversary Commemoration

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