Director General of Higher Education Acknowledged UNIMUDA Sorong's Achievements

The Director-General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Ir Nizam M. Sc., Ph. D., IPM., ASEAN Eng., conveyed that the task of a university is like being spring for the environment, the community, the nation, and country. It should be with the ‘Independent Campus’ spirit. “Students can use the ‘independent campus’ to improve themselves, their talents, and their potential to be better,” he explained. It was conveyed during Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong, yesterday (29/03). In his speech, he also mentioned that the Director-General of Higher Education in Sorong said that the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia highly appreciated all programs carried out by the private universities, especially UNIMUDA Sorong campus. “By the existence of UNIMUDA Sorong, I hope that it can produce people with high dedication to improving human resources quality, especially in the 3T (frontier, outermost, and underdevelopment) area in Sorong Regency, West Papua,” he concluded.

He also explained that UNIMUDA Sorong has truly implemented the Tri Dharma “Three Values” of Higher Education. UNIMUDA became a dynamic university because it was able to compete side-by-side both nationally and internationally. “I highly appreciate the private higher education institutions, especially UNIMUDA which has been side-by-side with the state universities, to jointly improve nations competence, develop innovation, creativity, and technology inventions in Higher Education,” said Nizam.

Meanwhile, Rector of UNIMUDA, Dr. Rutamadji M. Si., in his speech, expressed his appreciation to the Director-General of Higher Education for a visit, because according to him, this is a rare moment. Hence, the visit is also a form of appreciation and recognition for UNIMUDA Sorong. “We express our gratitude to the Director-General of Higher Education who has been willing to visit our campus (UNIMUDA). It is also a form of appreciation and proves that the existence of UNIMUDA Sorong has been recognized both academically and non-academically.” said the Rector of UNIMUDA. [] Diktilitbang

UNIMUDA Sorong Achievements Are Acknowledged By Director General of Higher Education

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