FEB UM Metro Visited IBI Darmajaya To Discuss ADAI

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro (UM Metro) visited the Institute for Informatics and Business (IBI) Darmajaya, Thursday (09/12). The visitation was a collaborative work in establishing the Indonesian Accounting Lecturer Association (ADAI). The Vice-Dean III FEB UM Metro, Gustin Padwa Sari SE MSAk, conducted the visitation and was accompanied by the other lecturers.

The other four lecturers who joined the visitation included Elmira Febri Darmayanti SE MAB as the Head of Accounting Department and an Accounting lecturer who also served as the Vice-Rector II, Suyanto SE MSi Akt CA ACPA CRA. Afterwards, Angga Kurniawan SE MSc, the Accounting lecturer, and Nedi Hendri SE MSi Akt CA CPA CRA as Accounting lecturer and the Head of Finance also joined the visit.

“The visitation aimed to maintain silaturahmi (relationships) among accounting department,” said Gustin. The particular reasons for the visitation were to establish Tri Dharma (Three Values) of the Higher Education Institution, support the Independent Learning, Independent Campus (MBKM) implementation, and collaborate in establishing ADAI Regional Lampung.

The other purpose of the visitation was the higher education institution’s necessity to implement the MBKM. “All higher education institutions are demanded to be more responsive to the MBKM implementation programs,” said Gustin, as reported on the official UM Metro site. The MBKM implementation and development could be collaborative, especially among the Accounting department.

FEB UM Metro Visited IBI Darmajaya To Discuss ADAI

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