
Muhammadiyah Higher Education, Research and Development (Diktilitbang) Council held Baitul Arqam of Muhammadiyah Scholarship Preparation Program (MSPP) Batch IV, Tuesday, the first day (5/9). Since the agenda has been opened, MSPP Batch IV Awardees followed the first and second schedules. The first was ‘The Challenges of Indonesian Moslem’ dialogue with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsudin, M.A., who presented online.

Prof. Din opened the dialogue by explaining there are ideality and reality gap towards the Indonesian Muslim community. “Islam qualified-people in several last decades is inclined, for example, there are a lot of Muslim scholars. However, the life and Islam community, in general, is not. Particularly, in the economic and education indicator,” he said. Prof. Din continued by mentioning demographic data of the total number of Muslims in Indonesia. It is counted for 86,7% of 260s billion Indonesian citizens. It means that the numerical majority does not balance the Muslim role and contribution in all national aspects. One of which can develop is the quality of Islamic education institutions.

The second schedule is Session 1 of Muhammadiyah’s character presented by Drs. H. Dahlan Rais, M.Hum. He explained that the excellent character of Muhammadiyah cadres could bring Muhammadiyah progress and prodigiousness. He inferred that Muhammadiyah characters are not KHA. Dahlan’s personality, but his reflection in all aspects. One of his main characters is KHA. Dahlan’s philosophy is continuously stated. Drs. Dahlan Rais read a line to MSPP Batch IV Awardees, “Humans die, except those who have knowledge. Educated persons are confused, except those who do good deeds. People who do good are worried, except those who are sincere.”

Baitul Arqam of MSPP Batch IV will be held on October 5th – 9th, 2021. The agenda themed “Dream Big, Achieve More” was placed in the Development of Quality Assurance for Vocational Education building (BBPPMPV) for Arts and Culture, Kaliurang Street, Yogyakarta.

Prof. Syamsudin and Dahlan Rais’s Messages to MSPP Batch IV Awardees

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