According to the several highlights in the Ministerial Regulation of Kemendikbud Number 30 the Year 2021, Muhammadiyah, through this press release, proposes 3 (three) recommendations:
1.The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud) in formulating the policy and regulation should be more accommodative to the public, especially various elements in Higher Education Institutions, and pay more attention to the principle order and the material content in formulating the law and regulation. The Ministerial Regulation formulation is expected to fulfill the principles of transparency and material contents as the provision of law and regulation formulation. By being more accommodative to the public aspiration (especially stakeholders), the substances of Regulation have various perspectives from the public, with the character of aspirational, responsive, representative; not resistant, and will not meet any obstacles in the implementation. The ministerial Regulation’s standard formulation should comprise the public hearing, focus group discussion, dialogue, formal hearing, surveys, and the other mechanisms that can be accommodated and related to the public (or related stakeholders).
2.The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology should formulate the policy and regulation based on the religious values, Pancasila, and The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 (UUD RI 1945).
3.The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology should revoke or revise the Ministerial Regulation of Kemdikbud Number 30 the Year 2021 to formulate the regulation as the formal provision of formulating the regulation and material provision to not against any religions in its norms which based on the values of Pancasila and The Constitution of Republic of Indonesia of 1945 (UUD 1945).
The official copy of the press release can be downloaded here.