Educators’ Resilience In The Pandemic

In developing students’ resilience, cited from Bernard (1991), it is necessary to pay attention and motivate them, communicate the high hopes but realistic, and allow them to participate. That was the statement from Prof Abdul Rahman A Ghani, Vice-Rector II Uhamka, in a webinar held by the Graduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (SPs Uhamka).

Prof Abdul Rahman continued, the education institutions as the critical environment which was very strategic to build the students’ resilience. “The school as the educational institution and the educators as the education organizers have a role in building resilience,” he said.

In a practical relation and communication, the students were easier to explore and develop their competence to develop themselves to be grown and mature personalities. “The quality of educators’ personalities, the emotional maturity, and the integrity will have a big role in the education process,” he explained.

At the same time, the Principal of SD Muhammadiyah 09 Plus Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, Syamsiah MPd explained that resilience is to bounce back positively against unpleasant events. Moreover, resilience is also interpreted as the ability to remain steadfast under challenging situations. “How we respond positively. We faced pandemic problems that are hard and difficult for all of us,” she said.

Consequently, Syamsiah hoped that the educators may and can adapt, change, and develop the Information Technology competence to encourage the students in the education process. The parents’ role to be educators in the house is essential. According to Syamsiah, the disadvantage of the pandemic should be changed to be an advantage. “For example, the teachers have low-skill in IT, so they should learn to have competence in that application,” she said. [] Diktilitbang

Uhamka Concerns About Educators’ Resilience In The Pandemic

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