Fostered Village of UM Sumbar Won 2nd Place

UM Sumbar – The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia awarded to Lima Puluh Kota regency, Sumatera Barat province with Anugerah Pesona Indonesia (API) in 2020. The award could be achieved because it established and maintained the branding. The branding influenced tourism as a traditional and cultured regency. Lima Puluh Kota Regency won 2nd place in the Popular Customary Village in Kampung Sarugo in Koto Tinggi.

The team of Anugerah Pesona Indonesia was directly accepted by the Lima Puluh Kota Regent, Safaruddin Dt Bandaro Rajo in Thursday, 20 May 2021 which was centralized in Inaya Bay Komodo Hotel, Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kampuang Sarugo, a UM Sumbar fostered-village of tourism destination could be optimized to be Customary Village in the last 2019.

The Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumbar, Dr Riki Saputra MA explained that the university would always support and collaborate academically in developing related sectors nearby. Besides being a fostered village of UM Sumbar, Kampung Sarugo could be a Smart Branding of Lima Puluh Kota regent at the end of 2019 through Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo). “We will continue the collaborative works for the academic studies documents in developing the existing sector,” Riki concluded. [] Public Relation of UM Sumbar / Diktilitbang

Fostered Village of UM Sumbar Won 2nd Place

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