Sinarmas Bank, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Institute for Technology and Business Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta (ITB Ahmad Dahlan) organized Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in Maya Hotel, Sanur, Bali. They discussed the opportunity of Kredit Usaha Rakyat (Micro Credit Program/KUR) for educators (lecturer and teacher) to continue their studies in the Master and Doctoral program. It is also for health workers to improve their skills and specialized doctors. The discussion took a study case in Muhammadiyah entity that owns various services in teaching and health services for over 100 thousand. “As a speaker, I present the data of teachers, lecturers, and health workers in Muhammadiyah services that potential to get funding in sharia micro-credit program. Undoubtedly, the forum can not mention the amount of those who grant governmental scholarship to continue the study,” said Mukhawe Pakkana, the Rector of ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta.
According to Mukhaer, the KUR scheme to both unskilled and skilled Indonesia Migrant Workers (PMI) had been funded since 2010. So the FGD recommendation about the grant funding scheme for teachers, lecturers, and health workers becomes important. In the FGD, three groups of professional workers have no specific scheme in this current KUR management. “We (read: ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta) were asked to arrange Academic Manuscript to portray the KUR urgency to these three professions. The manuscript, then, is expected to be a presidential decree (Perpres) escorted by the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs,” he said.
Moreover, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Council for Economic and Entrepreneurs also explained KUR assistance to improve qualities of three different professions and institutional performance from their workplace. It also aims to provide accessible funding at an affordable rate and an effective system. KUR becomes a necessity due to the low rate, below 6 percent, and subsidized by the government. “I expected it might be an entry point to formulate further steps. It is not only for Muhammadiyah entities but also for all communities in accessing affordable funding systems via KUR. I hope this attempt will grant the blessing from Allah. Aamiin,” he said. [] ITB Ahmad Dahlan / CHERD