Pasbar Earthquake, UM Sumbar Donates for Disaster Affected Students

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UM Sumbar) donated 43 disaster affected students in Pasaman Barat (Pasbar), West Sumatera. The earthquake struck on Friday (25/02) with a magnitude of 6,1 had damaged the majority of students’ housing. The Rector of UM Sumbar, Riki Saputra, the Vice-Rector II, Mursal, and the Vice-Rector III, Moch Abdi, several lecturers, and the president of Student Body visited Pasbar on Wednesday (02/03).

“It is our grief. We are here to strengthen our bond and lighten the burdens of the disaster-affected students,” said Riki in a written statement. He also prompted the students to be strong in facing the disaster. Afterwards, he directly distributed assistance in the logistic form to the students and their families. The Rector also mentioned the campus will regulate a policy to cut the current semester tuition fee to all disaster-affected students.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumbar also visited the students and their families in shelters and several severely damaged locations. It was particularly students’ housing that affected the access road. Moreover, one of the students, Syafri appreciated the Rector’s visitation concerning the disaster-affected people from UM Sumbar. [] UM Sumbar / CHERD

Pasbar Earthquake, UM Sumbar Donates for Disaster Affected Students

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