The Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Communication (FUKIS) Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai held Journalistic Training on Tuesday (16/11). Forty-eight students of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Studies (KPI) attended the training located in the Auditorium of H M Amir Said. Three parties were involved in the activity, including the Youth Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Sinjai, the KPI study program, and the Communication, Information and Crypto Agency of Sinjai.
The Dean of FUKIS, Suriarti, appreciated the agenda. “The agenda aimed to provide students soft-skills before they graduated as KPI IAIM Sinjai Alumni,” she said. In his remarks, she also persuaded KPI students to think comprehensively and critically. The students were expected to be creative in elevating their self-confidence.
Moreover, the Chairman of Youth Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Sinjai, Muhlis, explained the background of the Journalistic Training program. He explained that the spreading of hoaxes in communities should be tackled with a program. In addition, the Head of the KPI study program, Faridah, expressed her gratitude to all parties on the agenda.
Two speakers on Journalistic Training, Sirajuddin, the journalist of Harian Fajar newspaper and Muhammad Salid, the journalist of Kompas TV, delivered various topics in journalistic. As reported on the official IAIM Sinjai, the materials included exploring ideas, feature writing, reportage writing, press release, and many others. The agenda was conducted until the following Thursday (18/11).