LAMDIK Camp for Independent Accreditation To Improve Education Department

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) held an Institute for Independent Accreditation in Education Department (LAMDIK) Camp on Saturday-Sunday (22-23/01). Located in Jayakarta Hotel, Yogyakarta, CHERD invited all Quality Assurance Unit, Department Management Unit, and Study Program Elements from various MHEIs. On this occasion, Prof Dr Harun Joko Prayitno, MHum, Prof Dr Joko Nurkamto MPd, Prof Ahmad MPd, and Okti Sri Purwanti SKep Ns MKep SpKebMB attended the agenda.

Muhammad Sayuti MPd MEd PhD opened his remarks by highlighting the importance of LAMDIK Camp as a follow-up agenda of the Launching for LAMDIK last December, 31st. “This is an important circumstance for us. Because of 1.826 study programs in MHEIs, almost 500 are from the education department. It can be the most significant department in MHEIs, and the health department comes next,” said the Secretary of CHERD.

Afterwards, Muhammad Sayuti also highlighted the problem of declining interest in the education department. “The only way to overcome the problem is to elevate the quality of our departments. There is no other way,” said Sayuti. Therefore, LAMDIK Camp was held to prepare MHEIs for adapting the Independent Accreditation program next March.

One crucial point in LAMDIK is an indicator to actualize 60% of the doctoral lecturers at each university from the total lecturers. Meanwhile, there are only 112 professors from 17.000 lecturers in MHEIs, and there are 2.300 lecturers who hold a doctoral degree. “It means that while we follow the LAMDIK Camp two days ahead, we should accelerate the MHEIs improvement. It aimed to increase the quality and accreditation of study programs ahead,” said Sayuti.

Lastly, Sayuti offered Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research and Development (CHERD) assistance for MHEIs if they are needed. On the LAMDIK training, each element from MHEIs was divided into four groups, including the Quality Assurance category, science-technology education program study, social-linguistic education program study, and Religious Studies department.

LAMDIK Camp for Independent Accreditation To Improve Education Department

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