Opportunities and Challenges for Muslimah Entrepreneurs in Indonesia

“In several studies, it has been proven that women have power in the business world,” said Dr. Hj. Norma Sari S.H., M.Hum. as moderator of routine discussions held by Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council, Thursday (15/04). The Vice-Rector of UAD also revealed that the conversation with the theme of Opportunities and Challenges for Muslimah Entrepreneurs in Indonesia would be enriched by two speakers, namely Dr. (HC) Dra. Nurhayati Subakat, Apt and Dra. Hj. Latifah Iskandar who have experienced the business world dynamics both internally and externally. “The challenges faced by the two speakers regarding market demands and other challenges as well as the successes that have been achieved cannot be separated from prayers and efforts and foresight in observing every development in the business world,” she said.

Dra. Hj. Latifah Iskandar, in her presentation, talked about strengthening and securing the edible, economic independence, and empowerment in ‘Aisyiyah. “Since the birth of ‘Aisyiyah, the foundation to run the economy is based on the family. If the family is strong, inshaAllah, this country will be strong,” said the ‘Aisyiyah Central Board leader. She added that the business program mostly occurs in Java, and it will be a challenge for those outside Java. “If this business phenomenon can be evenly distributed and run at all points, we will have prosperity for our nation. It is what is being strengthened by ‘Aisyiyah, especially in strengthening Muslimah entrepreneurs,” she explained.

Completing the discussion, Dr. (HC) Dra. Nurhayati Subakat, Apt, firmly stated five values ​​that can be used as the foundation in developing a business, namely divinity, caring, humility, resilience, and innovation. “These five values ​​help PT. Paragon became a good, growing, and sustainable company with priceless meaning in every process,” concluded the founder of Wardah Cosmetics. She also said that it was customary to experience difficulties in running a business. “Every difficulty, inshaAllah, there will be ease, and in our religion, we have been taught about spirit, optimism, and others; it’s just a matter of how we run it,” she explained.

Opportunities and Challenges for Muslimah Entrepreneurs in Indonesia

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