Two-hundred sixteen candidates (216) of Health Polytechnique Muhammadiyah (Poltekkesmu) Makassar from three departments, including sanitation, electromedical technology, and medical lab technology, followed Baitul Arqam (ideological training) in UIN Alaudin Makassar Hotel, Wednesday-Thursday (11-12/10).
Attending on the meeting, the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board (BPH) Poltekkesmu Makassar, Dr. KH Mustari Bosra, M.A.; the Muhammadiyah Province Council for Cadre Education, South Sulawesi; lecturers and staff, and all academic civitas joined in-person training program.
In his remarks, the Director of Health Polytechnique Muhammadiyah Makassar, Dr. H. Effendy Rasiyanto, M.Kes hoped that Muhammadiyah students should implement the noble character of Islamic values in higher education. “As the candidate of alumni in health technology, you have an important role in health management development. We should be ready to adapt in the digital era. I hope we produce the alumni that are ready to work professionally with soft skills and noble characters,” he said.
Meanwhile the Chairman of BPH, Dr KH Mustari Bosra, MA constantly reminded alumni to realize Islamic principles as a foundation of life. The progression of Islam is in worshiping practice, as we chould implement in various aspects of life and consistently progress. “Remember that in the advancement of health technology, we should consider moving out of our comfort zone. Knowledge and soft skill can not be separate,” he added. He also continued that it could be realized as we contribute to communities, nations, and organizations that could be crystallized based on the specific potency of each student.
On the other hand, the Chairman of Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies, Irsyadah Ibrahim, S.Ag.,M.A expected that all Baitul Arqam participants, from the first batch to second that was counted for 341 could implement the Islam and Muhammadiyah values, both in communities, industries, or wherever they stay. In short, the communities could organize Muhammadiyah programs in Branch board to Central board.
As the Vice Director II, ST Fatimang, ST, MT mentioned, this Baitul Arqam could be adopted by other Muhammadiyah campuses in Indonesia. In the closing ceremony of this ideological training, the Vice Director III, St Mu’tamirah, SKM, M.Kes expected that the alumni could be the pioneers and role models in implementing the progressive Muhammadiyah movement based on its Khittah dan Perjuangan (struggle concept).