STIKes Maboro Optimizes its Internal Quality Assurance System

STIKes Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro (STIKes Maboro) conducted the Assistance of Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) on Saturday (05/02). On this occasion, Dr Ainur Rofiq MKes, the Chief of Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI) UMM, delivered materials as a resource person. It was located in the Maboro Hall of Development Business Center. The Chairman of STIKes Maboro, Ns Sudalhar MKep, delivered his remarks and opened the agenda.

Dr Ainur Rofiq prompted all higher education institutions, especially STIKes Maboro, to conduct the Internal Quality Assurance System with PPEPP scheme on this agenda. PPEPP stands for Penetapan (Establishment), Pelaksanaan (Implementation), Evaluasi (Evaluation), Pengendalian (Controlling), and Peningkatan (Improvement). He also suggested several IQAS implementations in STIKes Maboro. “Write the quality standard document in detail, and the board would verify the document. The IQAS implementation should be conducted in each academic year. There should be an improvement in every indicator,” he said.

The IQAS aimed to ensure higher education standards and elevate its quality systemically and continually through PPEPP standards. Therefore, the quality would develop. “This purpose can be achieved if every higher education institution has implemented the IQAS optimally,” Rofiq said.

Higher Education Institutions should develop IQAS automatically and independently, according to UU 12 the Year 2012. Although independent development, there are fundamental matters of IQAS existing in every institution. “In implementing IQAS, the institutions should pass five primary stages in chapter 52 verse 2 UU Higher Education Institution. It could conduct in PPEPP scheme, Penetapan (Establishment), Pelaksanaan (Implementation), Evaluasi (Evaluation), Pengendalian (Controlling), and Peningkatan (Improvement) of Higher Education Institution Standard,” he added.

STIKes Maboro Optimizes its Internal Quality Assurance System

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