STIKes Muh Tegal Implements AIK through Islamic sermon

Thousands of Muhammadiyah – ‘Aisyiyah members and regional board of autonomous organizations in Tegal followed Islamic Sermon that raised “Holistic Education: Muhammadiyah Ijtihad in Digital Era’. The sermon that invited H. R Alpha Amirrachman, M. Phil, Ph.D, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Council for Primary and Secondary School (Dikdasmen) as a speaker, located in STIKes Muh Tegal, Sunday (07/08). In his remarks, H. Akhmad Bukhori, SKM., M.Kes., the Vice Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Tegal appreciated the agenda.

As the Daily Advisory Board (BPH) of STIKes Muh Tegal, he mentioned that Muhammadiyah members should celebrate Muktamar (the National Congress of Muhammadiyah) in November. To support the educational development in Tegal, he also reminded parents to send their children to STIKes Muh Tegal. “Every leader in Muhammadiyah Local Board and Branch Board should send their children to STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal,” he said.

He also invited all members to support STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal’s development to build the front gate and Pharmacy Laboratory equipment. “Alhamdulillah, the donation reaches Rp 193.000.000 (a hundred and ninety-three million rupiahs) and we still open the donation for Muhammadiyah members that have the great fortune to donate in STIKes Muh Tegal,” he said in front of the sermon’s participants.

One argument why Muhammadiyah service institutions (AUM) in education can exist amid a rapid transformational era and a series of command changes is because educational institutions from Muhammadiyah grow from the grassroots. “It means that it was not controlled by Muhammadiyah Central Board, but the AUM is independent and has experienced a very dynamic movement with a full commitment of its founders,” he added.

STIKes Muh Tegal Implements AIK through Islamic sermon

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