The Socialization of Muhammadiyah Research Grant Batch V

Muhammadiyah Higher Education, Research, and Development Council held socialization of RisetMu Research Grant Batch V online, Saturday (27/03). RisetMu (Muhammadiyah Research Grant) conducted in the 4th period has resulted in 325 researchers, which accounted for 3,7 billion. Ahmad Romadhoni Surya, a member of Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Assistant Team, mentioned RisetMu Research Grant Batch V would try to open several schemes, including community services and grants for the publication manuscript writing. “In addition to increasing knowledge, through the research, Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution (PTMA) hopefully can achieve eight National Standards of Higher Education regarding research. Additionally, it is beneficial for measuring the Key Performance Index in each PTMA,” he added.

He continued, the research also has a good influence on the researchers, including the excellent accreditation for improving the qualities of PTMA’s lecturers, the incline of the lecturer’s scientific works (scientific articles, intellectual property rights, and Scopus), which becomes the lecturer’s asset to try another grant. “As an example, the previous Research Grant about COVID-19 which has a huge impact for the communities, so that we (the researchers) can give solutions for the existing problems,” he added.

Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, in his speech, said that currently, there are 70% outputs which hopefully the Research Grant is getting a lot of attention. “In higher education institutions, the lecturer is required to do research. If the lecturer cannot do the research, s/he should not become one,” said the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Higher Education, Research, and Development Council. He continued, a lecturer has 4 duties that should be accomplished consist of teaching, educating, dedicating, and developing the Islamic and Muhammadiyah studies. He hoped that the research which the participants do could be published in the available journal. “So the research that you did is not only an exploration but also the research which has the benefit of improving knowledge so that the ideas should be accessible to read by everyone,” he added. [] Diktilitbang

The Socialization of Muhammadiyah Research Grant Batch V

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