UM Buton Workshop Encourages IKS and RKA Arrangement

Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton (UM Buton) held an offline workshop from Thursday (09/06) to Saturday (11/06) in Rajawali Hotel, Baubau. The workshop raised the theme “Strategic Performance Indicators (IKS) and Work Plan and Budget (RKA) Workshop based on IKS.” The workshop became a follow-up plan after the previous month’s meeting. The earlier workshop was an arrangement and assistance of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum, Quality Product, Strategic Plan Document, and Improving Governance of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) Regional Sulawesi 1. It was conducted from 31 March to 21 April 2022 in Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba.

The Rector of UM Buton, Dr Wa Ode Alzarliani SP MM delivered his remarks at the opening ceremony. He expected that it could encourage all MHEIs in Sulawesi to improve. “So it can be beneficial to prepare IKS and RKA based on IKS shortly,” he said, as reported on UM Buton site.

Furthermore, Prof Dr Achmad Nurmandi, MSc from Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD), officially opened the workshop. In his remarks, he reminded all leaders in MHEIs, especially Sulawesi, that they should work harder and seriously in structural and financial management in the organization. “Without effective and efficient management, MHEIs can not improve and be qualified,” he said.

In the workshop, fifteen MHEIs in Sulawesi followed the agenda. All MHEIs delegated their representatives to the Rector, Vice-Rector, Head of Study Program, Head of Financial Division/Bureau, and Head of Academic Division/Bureau. In the final schedule, all participants followed a campus tour that one of the destinations was UM Buton Convention Center. [] CHERD /UMButon

UM Buton Workshop Encourages IKS and RKA Arrangement

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