To Educate Dental and Oral Health, UMS Distributed Free Toothbrush

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) educated dental and oral health on Sunday (20/03). The program was located in Pasar Gede, Solo Grosir Center (PGS), and Manahan. The dental and oral education was conducted to commemorate World Dental Health Day by the Dentistry Faculty’s Student Executive Board (BEM). It aimed to set the community’s health behaviour and raise their awareness of their dental health.

“To give more attention to dental health by brushing the teeth twice a day. It helps create clean and healthy conditions,” said Lulu Amelia, the Committee Chief for the education program. She also mentioned raising self-confidence by smiling at others with dental and oral health.

The program has collaborated with the Indonesian Dental Student Senate Association (PSMKGI) UMS. Through the collaboration, both BEM and PSMKGI UMS could produce new creative programs to implement. Lulu also explained that she expected that the program would benefit the broader community. The programs included the distribution of brochures, stickers, toothpaste for pedicab drivers, parking attendants, and others.

One of the beneficiaries, Edi Purwanto, mentioned that he had never received dental and oral health education. He explained that he gained the proper brushing technique and consulted the Committee about his dental condition. “I will use this opportunity to apply it in the right direction for brushing teeth,” he added.

To Educate Dental and Oral Health, UMS Distributed Free Toothbrush

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