Universitas Islam Ahmad Dahlan Sinjai (UIAD Sinjai) has now opened the New Student Admission (PMB) for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. The admission became the first activity after UIAD officially transformed into a university from the previous name, Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai.
The Rector of UIAD Sinjai, Dr. Firdaus, M.Ag mentioned the New Student Admission (PMB) has two batches, the first was started from February 15 – May 15, 2023 and the second from May 20 – August 15, 2023. It can be accessed through pmb.uiad.ac.id by offering 11 undergraduate study programs and 1 master study program.
UIAD Sinjai also has approximately two thousand active students with various scholarships. Several scholarships include merit scholarships, scholarship for underprivileged students, KIP Scholarship, Baznas Scholarship, Cadre Scholarship, Lazismu Scholarship, Sinjai Government Scholarships, Hadji Kalla Scholarships, Unggulan Scholarships in Faculty, etc.
Besides providing scholarships, the UIAD Sinjai students will also get various facilities including micro-teaching laboratories, computer labs, court practice rooms, mini banks, language lab, library, podcast room, mosque, counseling services, etc. Then, by studying at UIAD, students can follow one or more organizations from the total of 11 Student Organizations according to student interests.
“We commit the institutional transformation from IAIM Sinjai to a University aimed to meet the demands of the development of science and technology and the process of scientific integration between Islam and science and producing qualified human resources,” said Dr. Firdaus, M.Ag.
In addition, UIAD Sinjai also improved Human Resources (HR) by having 100 permanent lecturers with S2 & S3 qualifications, 22 doctoral lecturers and 88 masters. While continuing to study S3, 27 people.
Currently, UIAD focuses on introducing and synergizing the campus to all stakeholders by strengthening socialization and publication, including following up on cooperation with various institutions at home and overseas.