UM Palopo Discussed Education Issue in Pandemic

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo (UM Palopo) organized Bazaar and Dialogue on Monday (28/02). The Student Association of Development Economics (HMPS EP) UM Palopo arranged the agenda on Warkop Kampus (campus Caffe) on Andi Mas Jaya street, Boting, Wara, Palopo. It was a program from the Education division. One of the accomplished lecturers in UM Palopo, Harmita Sari SPd MPd as Indonesia Language lecturer becomes the resource person. Besides Harmita, Suprianto Baen, the Chairman of Islamic Student Association (HMI MPO) Palopo, and Ari Putra Daliman, the Division Chief of IPMAL also delivered their materials. Chairil, the Organization Division of HMPS EP hosted the event as moderator.

The committee chief, Muhammad Rifki, and the vices-secretary, Anggi Novita and Ice Krisna accompanied. Muhammad Rifki explained that they raised Education Issues in Indonesia. They were concerned about various challenges in education due to the pandemic. “Education in Indonesia, since the Covid-19 pandemic, is far from independent. We face degradation from all educational aspects,” he said.

Rifki also mentioned the 1945 Constitutions of Indonesia attached education as a process in national improvement. Therefore, as an educated student, it is important to discuss educational issues. “We can not sit comfortably while restrained from knowledge. So the dialogue becomes one of the solutions offered,” said Rifki.

Harmita highlighted the Covid-19 pandemic brought a situational shift in the learning process. However, as a non-natural disaster, the transformation can be a systematic aspect. “In this situation, the solution we offer is to prepare for the next period. Because the educational productivity amidst Covid-19 can be achieved when the parents, teachers, and students take the efficient transformation altogether and start from themselves,” she said.

UM Palopo Discussed Education Issue in Pandemic

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