UM Parepare Collaborate with UNHAS To Elevate Research

UM Parepare (UMPAR) leaders received a visit from the Chief of Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Hasanudin, Prof Dr And Alimuddin Unde, MSi in the Rectorate Building of UMPAR, Wednesday (24/11). Previously, UMPAR teams have visited one previous day to offer collaboration and have been accepted in the UNHAS Rectorate building. They were the Rector of UMPAR, Dr. Nasir S, M. Pd; the Vice-Rector I, Asram A. T. Jadda, S.H.I., M.Hum; the Vice-Rector IV, Muhammad Nur Maallah, S.Ag., M.A.; the Chief of LPPM, Dr. Iradhatullah Rahim, M.P.; and the Faculty of Engineering Lecturer of UMPAR, Dr. H. Hakzah, MT.

Afterwards, to follow up the meeting schedule of the Rector of UM Parepare with the Rector of UNHAS about the collaborative initiation in Tridharma implementation of Higher Education Institutions, the Chief of LPPM UNHAS, Prof Dr Andi Alimuddin Unde, MSi, planned research and community service collaboration. “We will collaborate with UMPAR researchers to conduct research, especially the commodity development industry, and will share research funding with UMPAR,” Prof. Unde said.

Moreover, Prof. Unde explained that UMPAR and UNHAS should be synergized to develop the Parepare region and elevate the community’s well-being. “UMPAR and UNHAS have to collaborate to improve Pare-pare quality and increase society’s welfare,” Prof. Unde highlighted.

The Rector of UMPAR, as reported, expressed his gratitude for the visit of Prof Andi Alimuddin Unde in Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare as a follow-up plan for the UMPAR collaboration with UNHAS ahead. “We, undoubtedly, appreciated the visit from Prof Andi Alimuddin Unde in Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare today as a follow-up plan for UMPAR and UNHAS collaboration ahead,” the Rector of UMPAR, Dr Nasir S, MPd said. [] UMPAR / Diktilitbang

UM Parepare Collaborates with UNHAS To Elevate Research

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