UMJ Student Bagged Medal at World Pencak Silat Championship 2022

Riana Oktavia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) student, won the bronze medal at the 19th World Pencak Silat Championship 2022 in Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC), Malaysia, Monday-Sunday (25-31/07). The championship was followed by 500 fighters from 40 countries. Indonesia sent 37 athletes and succeeded becoming the overall winner eleven gold medals, nine silver medals, and eight bronze medals.

Riana bagged the bronze medal in the women’s category with Riva Hijriah and Eny Tri Susilowati. “I followed the World Pencak Silat Championship 2022 in the women’s category,” said  the Political and Social Science Faculty student.

As she prepared to follow the competition, Riana was directed to take the morning and evening training and increase individual training. “We have to add individual training, including practicing our techniques and strategies to knock our enemies out,” said Riana.

The achievement could not make Riana proud. She continued that she had several targets and goals to be achieved, especially to bring Indonesia to another world championship. “To bring Indonesia winning in world competition or other big events in the future,” she said.

The Vice-Rector IV UMJ, Dr. Septa Candra, S.H., M.H. appreciated Riana’s achievement. “Every accomplishment of our students should be appreciated. We have a motto ‘no day without achievements and no achievement without appreciation. Because we should appreciate students encouraging them to achieve something, based on their interest, talent, thought, and creativity,” said Dr. Septa.

UMJ Student Bagged Medal at World Pencak Silat Championship 2022

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