UMJ Webinar Highlights Urgency of Best Healthcare in Nursing Practice

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) organized the national webinar on Wednesday (10/08). The national webinar was initiated by the Nursing Science department (FIK) UMJ. The Dean of FIK UMJ, Miciko Umeda SKp MBiomed delivered her materials entitled “Dissemination of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice ”. It aimed to raise awareness in basic nursing practice to provide the best healthcare.

Two hundred participants followed the online webinar. It also invited a keynote speaker, Ninik Yunitri, S.Kep, Ns, M, Kep., Sp.Kep.J. who also a lecturer in the Postgraduate program of Nursing Science.

Ninik mentioned that Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) influences healthcare quality improvement, including good nursing practice, reducing healthcare costs, decreasing geographical problems in nursing practice, elevating clinical service planning, and completing public satisfaction about providing information.

Furthermore, Ninik also explained that according to the research, 20-30% of patients did not get healthcare with scientific evidence. In addition, over 20% of unnecessary practices put the patient at risk. “The evidence from the research will have a considerable impact when it is implemented. So we should apply good practices in service and education. It aims to improve the comprehension of EBP. Then, we give clinical experience in the clinical environment so the nurses can share their good inputs,” she said.

On this occasion, Miciko expected that it required learning achievement to receive the best quality service. It also could develop science in the development of health intervention services. “Learning achievement in Evidence-Based Practice is important to observe the best and foremost healthcare concern. So it can produce a valuable and qualified service. Also, it can develop science,” she concluded.

UMJ Webinar Highlights Best Healthcare Urgency in Nursing Practice

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