Four journals of Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk (Unismuh Luwuk) from 13 journals which achieved accreditation from the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) since 2018. The four accreditated journals were Jurnal Pendidikan Glasser (FKIP); Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Al-Ilmi (Faculty of Islamic Studies); Jurnal Emir (Faculty of Economics dan Business); and Monsu’ani Tano Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Institute for Research and Community Service).
Hasrat Aimang, MPd, the Coordinator of Unismuh Luwuk Journal, admitted that the other nine journals, which were currently encouraged to be developed by achieving accreditation in various study programs as reported on (30/01).
“The strategic plan to accelerate the quality management improvement by increasing the capacity of the journal advisory boards with accreditation standard,” Hasrat Aimang, the doctoral student of Management in Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, said.
Besides journals for the lecturers, Unismuh Luwuk also conducted the scientific works published for the students. “Unismuh Luwuk has 15 study programs with B accreditation from BAN-PT and the rest 8 study programs with C accreditation,” he said.
He added that on the last data, the total students as recorded in the academic transactions were over 4000 students. Meanwhile, the number of lecturers was 138 people.