Unmuha Launched 4 Journals of Islamic Studies Faculty

The Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh (Unmuha) launched scientific journals and its management training in Unmuha, Monday (01/02). These journals were officially launched by the Rector of Unmuha, Dr H Aslam Nur, MA, accompanied by the Vice-Rector I, Dr H Fadhullah, MH, and the Dean of FAI, Dr Saiful SAg MAg. The agenda was conducted in the Unmuha Economics Faculty Auditorium.

Moreover, the journals launched comprised Ekispersya (Islamic Economics and Syariah Banking) with Puji Aryani, SE MEd PhD as Editor in Chief; Hemma Marleni, SE MSi Ak and Susi Wardani, SHI MAg as Managing Editors. On the other hand, Al-Fathanah journal (Islamic Studies and Islamic Education Journal) with Ema Sulastri, SPdI MPd as the Editor in Chief; and Muhammad Fadhillah Lc MUs and Istiqamahtul Masyithah, Lc M.IRKH as the Managing Directors.

Afterwards, Biosainsdik journal (Biology Science and Education journal) was managed by Meutia Zahara, MSi PhD as the Editor in Chief; Cut Novrita Rizki, SPd MSc and Nurul Fajriana, SPd MPd as the Managing Editors. In addition, Jippma (Mathematics Education and Learning) was organized by Nazariah SPdI MPd as the Editor Chief; and Nailul Authary SPdI MPd and Novi Trisna Sari, SPdI MPd as Managing Editors.

In his remarks, the Rector appreciated the journal launching and training for the journal managers in Unmuha. The Rector expected Unmha lecturers to keep improving the scientific publication in the International and National accreditation journal shortly. Unmuha would provide rewards for those who publish their work on Sinta 6-1

Unmuha Launched 4 Journals of Islamic Studies Faculty

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