Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung (UM Lampung) conducted a hybrid seminar on Sunday (31/07). The seminar was a collaborative program from the Faculty of Social and Political Science of UM Lampung to various parties. They were the Alumni Association (IKA), Social Welfare School Association, and Health and Social Polytechnic of Lampung Regional Board. Furthermore, other parties that participated in the seminar were Grab, Baznas of Lampung, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), RRI of Bandar Lampung, BRI of Lampung Regional Board and Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta. The national seminar raised ‘To Overcome The Extreme Multi Dimensions Poverty, The Role of Multi-Stakeholders, and Social Workers’. A thousand participants attended the seminar, and 200 of them joined offline in KH Ahmad Dahlan Auditorium on the First Campus of UM Lampung.
Furthermore, the Rector of UML, Dr. Mardiana, M.Pd.I, in her remarks expressed her gratitude for the trust from various parties. Especially because it was held in Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung. “Welcome to the Head of Regional Development Planning Agency of Lampung. On this occasion, Mr. Deki directly attends in UML and becomes a keynote speaker in this seminar,” she said.
Furthermore, the speakers and moderator of the seminar including Prof Adi Fachrudin from Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta; Dr Imron from ASDEP PHPA Kemenko PMK; Toni Fisher as LPHPA Lampung; Nurkholis, M.S. Akt from Baznas Lampung Board; Andi Balqis Yunus, M.H., Manager Area of Grab Indonesia in Southern Sumatera; and Arie Patria, the BRI Manager in Lampung Regional Board.