Unismuh Palu Opened Vaccination Service Centre to 2.000 People

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu (Unismuh Palu) opened the Covid-19 vaccination service centre with 2.000 quotas. This service was conducted in collaboration with Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) Muhammadiyah Central Board. The vaccination program was opened to the public, including the elderly, Muhammadiyah public service, Unismuh Palu academic civitas, and the inter-religion community. The program was free of charge, and its registration opened until June 30, 2021, at 18.00 Central Indonesian Time. PKU Muhammadiyah Palu Clinic became the vaccination site in Jalbar Nur street 5, Palu.

The Rector of Unismuh Palu, Dr Rajindra SE MM, explained that Muhammadiyah, from the Indonesian first case announced, has been supported to the governmental steps in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. “Muhammadiyah formed a special body of Covid-19 Command Center supporting the medical treatment in hospital,” he said. Moreover, Muhammadiyah also helped the water availability, sanitation, and cleanliness (WASH); food aids; and financial aids.

The Covid-19 pandemic has occurred in the past year since the first case was announced in Indonesia. According to Rajindra, as reported on Sulteng Raya, the vaccination program became Muhammadiyah and Unismuh Palu support in handling the Covid-19. “Muhammadiyah is always ready to help the community, without seeing the background, because always prioritize the humanity,” he said.

However, the Rector recalled that although the Covid-19 vaccination runs in several regions, the society should apply the strict health protocol of using 5M, including wearing the mask, washing hands with water flow, avoiding the crowd, social distancing, and restricting the mobilization and interaction. Due to the current situation of Covid-19 cases surge back.

Unismuh Palu Opened Vaccination Service Centre to 2.000 People

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