To elevate the internalization of Islamic and Muhammadiyah values in Muhammadiyah – ‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs), Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI) held a workshop on Mainstreaming Implementation of Islamic and Muhammadiyah (AIK) values in Integrated Curriculum.
The workshop conducted on Thursday (29/09) in Ahmad Dahlan Building, Main Campus invited Prof Dr. M Noor Rochman Hadjam MA, the Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD).
The Rector of UMRI, Dr. H Saidul Amin MA attended the workshop with the Daily Advisory Board (BPH), Prof Dr. H Nazir Karim MA, the Head of Departments, and numerous AIK Lecturers. Saidul Amin mentioned that AIK should be implemented by all academic civitas. It is a distinct point of MHEIs in internalizing Islam and Muhammadiyah as ideology, philosophy, and academically. “The alumni of MHEIs should internalize it in their daily life and become Muhammadiyah representatives amid communities. And UMRI should be a community miniature of Muhammadiyah,” said the Rector of UMRI.
On the other hand, Noor Rochman, as a Keynote Speaker, explained that by applying AIK, all civitas can start in their respective discipline. The lecturers can combine multi disciplines and transfer them into real practice. “We will find out how to understand AIK easily. And how incredible Islam in life,” he said.
The integrated strategy of mainstreaming Islam and Muhammadiyah values, including first, to uphold the high-quality curriculum. Every aspect, policy, and implementation should be documented in written documents. The implementation of the quality standard is objective and measurable. Second, is the high investment in its human resources. Third, the faith to make AIK as MHEIs’ spirit. It highlighted the educational aspect, not only the learning process. Because there is also an AIK curriculum in multicultural perspective for non-Moslem. Fourth, various parties’ involvement, including the stakeholders, staff, and leaders, even for the Muhammadiyah boards.