UM Metro KKN Socialization Highlighted The Importance of Advantageous

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LLPM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro (UM Metro) conducted the Community Service (KKN) socialization on Tuesday (14/12). This socialization was guideline socialization from the Community Service Management Board. It was located in HI UM Metro Building. The Rector of UM Metro, Drs H Jazim Ahmad MPd, the Vice-Rector I of Academic Affairs, Dr Agus Sujarwanta MPd attended the socialization agenda. Afterwards, the Head of LPPM UM Metro, Dr Achyani MSi, and the Head of Community Service Center UM Metro, Riswanto MPdSi, delivered their materials as resource persons.

At first, Drs Jazim Ahmad explained the KKN’s practical implementation to various parties. In his opinion, besides completing the student academic curriculum, the KKN agenda also becomes a medium for the faculties to demonstrate their excellence. “For instance, the Faculty of Engineering with their engineering science, the Economics and Business with their marketing knowledge, the Communication Science with the Informatics Technology fields, and many others. With the combination of each faculty, they could support each other,” he said.

The Head of LPPM UM Metro, Dr Achyani MSi,
The Head of LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro, Dr Achyani MSi delivered his materials

Afterwards, Dr Achyani explained KKN’s purpose as the opportunity for the students to elevate soft skill competence. Several highlights were having attitude and empathy. “The students should demonstrate confidence, honesty, sincerity, and good communication skills,” he said. Moreover, he also mentioned that the competence to elevate soft skills was to understand others’ feelings, which the student could gain on KKN.

UM Metro KKN Socialization Highlighted Importance of Advantageous

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