Academic Briefing for UMPO Prospective Graduates

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) held the academic briefing for the prospective graduates last Friday (15/10). The agenda aimed to prepare the UMPO prospective graduates to face the working world according to their field, interests, and competence. Its implementation method was to collaborate with well-known consulting firms. While the companies mentioned should work in learning and management development, including PT. Magenda Permata Jaya and PT Sobat Kerja Indonesia.

Several parties attended on the agenda, including the President Director, Indriya Trisnika; Head of Human Resource and General Affair, Heidi Warsito; and Generalist and Human Resource Recruitment and Assessment Specialist, R. Resya Sujana. Afterwards, they presented the materials about the preparations to enter the working world. Starting from the mental preparation, skill, and technology mastery. It was hoped that UMPO graduates would be creative, innovative, and imaginative in career perspectives.

In the feedback session, the participants expressed their enthusiasm for the questions they asked. Then, at the end of the briefing for graduates, PT Magenta Permata Jaya and PT Sobat Kerja Indonesia gave the door prize and further assistance for UMPO graduates.

Later, UMPO graduates would follow the graduation briefing, because they would conduct the graduation online and offline (hybrid method). The graduation would be the 51st UMPO graduation conducted on October 26th-27th, 2021. [] UMPO / Diktilitbang

Academic Briefing for UMPO Graduands

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