Muhammadiyah Pre-Congress Bagged 39 Board Candidates

Muhammadiyah Pre-Congress Bagged 39 Board Candidates

The Pre-Congress (Tanwir) of Muhammadiyah was held on Friday (18/11) in Mohammad Djazman Auditorium, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Central Java.

The opening ceremony of the pre-congress of Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah broadcasted through the Muhammadiyah youtube channel. Meanwhile, the decisions were announced on the tvMu youtube channel. In pre-congress, the Election Commission, Dahlan Rais mentioned that the e-voting finished on time. “I am thankful that Tanwir (pre-congress) has been conducted as we planned,” he said.

Furthermore, Secretary of the Election Commission, Budi Setiawan read the pre-congress results. He also explained that the total number of pre-congress members should be 202, but only 197 participants had attended.

Pre-Congress Results

The pre-congress selected 39 board candidates, including:

  1. Anwar Abbas has 190 votes
  2. Syamsul Anwar has 182 votes
  3. Haedar Nashir has 175 votes
  4. Saad Ibrahim has 170 votes
  5. Abdul Mu’ti has 166 votes
  6. Dadang Kahmad has 165 votes
  7. Hilman Latief has 165 votes
  8. Syafiq A Mughni has 164 votes
  9. Amirsyah Tambunan has164 votes
  10. Busyro Muqoddas has 164 votes
  11. Agus Taufiqurrahman has 150 votes
  12. Imam Ad Daruquthni has 147 votes
  13. Agung Danarto has 146 votes
  14. Marpuji Ali has 142 votes
  15. Muhadjir Effendy has 141 votes
  16. Ary Anshori has 137 votes
  17. A. Dahlan Rais has 134 votes
  18. Sofyan Anif has 130 votes
  19. Muhammad Ziyad has 125 votes
  20. Khoirudin Bashori has 122 votes
  21. Muhammad Sayuti has 121 votes
  22. Ma’mun Murod has 120 votes
  23. Irwan Akib has 118 votes
  24. M Agus Samsudin has 115 votes
  25. Hajriyanto Y Thohari has 113 votes
  26. Fathurrahman Kamal has 109 votes
  27. Armyn Gultom has 107 votes
  28. Zakiyuddin Baedhowi has 106 votes
  29. Agus Sukaca has 105 votes
  30. Hamim Ilyas has 103 votes
  31. Untung Cahyono has 103 votes
  32. M Rizal Fadilah has 103 votes
  33. Budi Setiawan has 100 votes
  34. Ambo Asse has 99 votes
  35. Bambang Setiaji has 99 votes
  36. Ahmad Khairudin has 99 votes
  37. Asep Purnama Bahtiar has 97 votes
  38. Syaifullah has 97 votes
  39. Lastly, Saidul Amin has 91 votes.


Prof. Haedar Nashir, the President of Muhammadiyah Central Board, ended the pre-congress agenda by delivering his remarks. In the following days, the first and second Plenary Sessions and the election of Muhammadiyah Central Board members will be held.

Rangga Adam Punjabi, an Outstanding UMSIDA Karate Athlete

Rangga Adam Punjabi, an Outstanding UMSIDA Karate Athlete

His name is Rangga Adam Punjabi, a psychology student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) who brought a good reputation in Karate competition, Yogyakarta Open Tournament 2022. The competition held in the middle of October became his dozenth victory. He won the first place in the men’s Kata Individual category and the second place in the men’s Kumite 60 kilos individual. In the championship, approximately one thousand participants followed to fight.

Rangga Adam mentioned that several competitions that he has followed made him aware of the competitive atmosphere. “Moreover, the other reasons are to increase the record of achievement and to encourage friends, especially in the Karate student activity unit,” he said. He also received prize money from winning that he used to pay the tuition fee and savings.

Due to his busy schedule to study in UMSIDA, he carefully organized his time in studying and practicing Karate. In addition, he was appointed to be a Psychology Laboratory assistant in his department. To perform optimally, he determined his routine schedule to practice, followed his coach, and got an optimum nutrient intake.


Rangga’s Achievements

Currently, Rangga who is the seventh semester has bagged various medals and awards, including:

  1. The first place of men’s Kata Individual category in National Karate Virtual Competition UNJ Cup, Jakarta in 2021.
  2. The second place of men’s senior Kata Individual in Shinjin International Championship in Central Java.
  3. The third place of men’s Kata Individual category in Young Guns International Virtual Competition in Bandung, 2021.
  4. and many other achievements.
UMRI Rector Inaugurates 8 Deans and 2 Campus Officials

UMRI Rector Inaugurates 8 Deans and 2 Campus Officials

Located in KH Ahmad Dahlan Building, the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI), Dr H Saidul Amin MA inaugurated eight deans and two campus officials in UMRI for 2022-2026. The inauguration was conducted on Tuesday (15/11).

Eight deans who recently inaugurated including the Dean of Engineering Faculty, Dr Indra Hasan MT; the Dean of Mathematics, Natural Science Faculty, and Health Science, Prasetya MSi; the Dean of Economics and Business Faculty, Mizan Asnawi SE MEc Dev; the Dean of Communication Science Faculty, Jayus SSos M.I.Kom; the Dean of Computer Science Faculty, Doni Winarso MKom; the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Pratama Benny Herlandy MPd; the Dean of Law Science Faculty, Raja Desril SH MH, and the Dean of Islamic Studies Faculty, Dr Santoso MSi. On the other hand, two campus officials who have been inaugurated were the Director of Academic and Student Administration, Dr Jupendri SSos M.I.Kom and the Chairman of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies, Afdhal SUd MPI.

In his remarks, the Rector of UMRI mentioned that besides having the role to lead, the Deans must concern the development of the faculties ahead. “You are the leader, so it’s your duty to be a role model and embrace (every potency) in your faculty for the improvement. So in the end, the goal is excellent accreditation,” Saidul Amin said.

On this occasion, the Rector also explained various accomplishments that have been achieved in years. He also mentioned the other program’s progress, including to build international collaboration with neighboring countries comprising Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Brunei Darussalam. In the following years, UMRI will establish cooperation with Egypt through Universitas Al-Azhar and many other Universities in Africa.

In the middle of the inauguration, UMRI received waqf from Hj. Jumrotin, a big plot of land of 1,600 square meters estimated at 1,7 billion rupiah. Later, it will be used to build Tajdid Center in the Main Campus of UMRI.

Economic Education Department UMPR Receives Excellent Accreditation

Economic Education Department UMPR Receives Excellent Accreditation

The Economic Education department in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya (UMPR) officially received excellent accreditation status. The information was stated on the Decree of Education Independent Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK) of No. 576/SK/LAMDIK/Ak/S/XI/2022 to 7 November 2027.

This achievement of Economic Education completed the achievement of 2 other departments that previously had received excellent accreditation, the Bachelor program of State Administration and the Master program of Public Administration. The Head of Economic Education, M. Jailani, M.Pd appreciated all academic civitas of UMPR, especially the Economic Education for the support, hard work, and collaboration in the accreditation process. “This excellent accreditation will be a trigger for the Economic Education study program to keep improving the good governance of study programs on an international scale. It will be an excellent study program in learning technology with internalizing Islam and Muhammadiyah values,” he said.

The Dean of FKIP, Hendri, M.Pd mentioned that the Economic Education study program has various prominent aspects that should be developed, including producing qualified human resources in education, entrepreneurship, and accounting. In addition, it has varied excellent and standardized facilities in technology.

Economic Education Department UMPR Receives Excellent Accreditation
Economic Education Department UMPR Receives Excellent Accreditation

Hendri, M.Pd added that the achievement was expected to eliminate people’s doubts about choosing the UMPR Economic Education Study Program as a place for their children’s further studies. Not only the scientific development of Economics Education, but the development of the spirit of Islam and Muhammadiyah studies for our students also become our concern,” he continued.

The UMPR Chancellor, Dr. Sonedi, M.Pd explained that this achievement could not be separated from solid teamwork since early 2022. Since then, various documents were prepared as completely as possible. “Furthermore, our attempts include integrating the vision and mission of the study programs according to the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM), collecting data on research activities, community service, and many others,” Dr. Sonedi, M.Pd explained.

Therefore, he expressed his gratitude for the support of all parties, especially the Lecturers, Employees, Students, and Alumni, who have supported the team from the beginning of the process of proposing accreditation forms to obtaining Excellent accreditation. The students and alumni of Economics Education also expressed their gratitude and pride for the success of their department. According to him, this achievement is an acknowledgment that the learning process in the Economics Education Study Program is getting better and has met the standards.

“It means that what has been done by FKIP, especially the Economics Education Study Program so far, is serious and has accommodated the needs of the working world. Our Economics Education alumni already have adequate competence to solve economic problems. That is what makes us happy,” said one of the FKIP Economics Education students. As known, the Economics Education Study Program received Excellent Accreditation. In the field assessment, LAMDIK sent two assessors who were very competent in their fields, namely Prof. Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, M.Si., and Dr. Dewi Kusuma Wardani, M.Sc.

UMRI Strengthens Collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

UMRI Strengthens Collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (Umri) welcomed five Professors from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) on Monday (14/11). Their arrival became a part of Academic Strategic Collaboration Visit of UMK to Indonesia where UMRI became the destination. In the visit, several important agreements had been arranged among two parties.

The Vice Rector III for Student affairs, Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies and Collaboration, Dr Jufrizal Syahri MSi mentioned that several programs would be organized in the foreseeable future by the two parties.

Strengthening of the collaboration is not limited to continue the lecturer studies, but also in the transnational education potency, including to be a partner for UMK in international class. Indonesian students who want to pursue higher education in UMK can follow the class in UMRI. It is not only efficient, financially, but the students can receive Master or Doctoral certificates from an overseas university,” Jufri said.

At least three strategic programs would be arranged to strengthen the partnership. Also, UMRI has been invited to be a part of Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT). IMT-GT is a collaborative strategic plan to promote national growth through greater regional economic integration and innovation and social economic development in three nations. Lastly, the collaboration of UMK and UMRI in conducting Indonesian government programs, the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM), would be a student mobility program.

Starting in the next year, UM Riau and UMK would be committed to a one-semester student exchange program for the credit transfer. In this meeting, it aimed to match the curriculum between UMRI and UMK to support the program. Besides the exchange program, UMK would also open the short course through Summer Camp program for UMRI students to improve the academic skills and language in UMK.

Furthermore, UMRI and UMK also agreed to collaborate the research, publication, and lecturer exchange, according to the Vice Rector I for Academic affairs, Dr Wirdati Irma, SPd MSi. “For the research, UMRI currently does research in botanical topics about the growth and development of Raflesia and Mangrove in various parts of Riau Province. Also, we conduct research about tropical peat which has become the biggest area of peat in Indonesia,” she said.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and International of UMK, Prof. Dr Nik Maheran binti Nik Muhammad in her remarks,” We consider UMRI as our strategic partner because we come from the similar families. We count on UMRI to collaborate in entrepreneurship, technology, and legal. We also see the opportunities to make UMRI as the first campus to have ACEEU accreditation (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) in Indonesia,” she said.

UMJ Students Provide Counseling for Hepatitis

UMJ Students Provide Counseling for Hepatitis

Medical Science students of the Faculty of Medical and Health Science (FKK), Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) provide counseling services on Sunday (13/11). Their lecturers, who are also specialty doctors, also attended the counseling about acute hepatitis. They also provide free medical check-ups and prescriptions in Pondok Pesantren (boarding school) Al-Fathonah, Cirebon.

The current Community Service program of the UMJ lecturers and students raised the theme “Counseling of Acute Hepatitis and Health Screening to Break the Chain of Transmission and Elevate the Health Condition of Teachers and Students in Pondok Pesantren Al-Fathonah, Cirebon”.

The team consisted of four specialty doctors, including Dr. dr. Tri Ariguntar, Sp.PK, the Head of the Medical Science department; Dr. dr. Rahmini Shabariah, Sp.PA; dr. Tri Wahyuni, Sp.PK; Dr. dr Lailan Safina Nasution, M.Si.Med; and one lecture of Public Health, Dr. Nurfadhillah, SKM., MKM. Besides the lecturers, the team also consisted of three Medical Science students comprised Fida Alia Shabrina, Eveline Alya Raushan Dhamir, and Ibrahim. They were also accompanied by five education personnel of FKK UMJ.

dr.Tri Ariguntar mentioned that it was a routine program from the department. On this occasion, they raised Hepatitis as the main topic. “We can not let inaccurate information about hepatitis spread to communities. Therefore, we need this health counseling to break the chain of Acute Hepatitis transmission that Indonesia has higher cases of hepatitis,” he said.

This counseling had a positive response from the Chairman of Pondok Pesantren Al-Fathonah. The delegation of the school, Ust. Amir Ibrahim SE and the Village Head of Kudukeras, Endi Kuswandi attended the program. On this occasion, the teachers, students, and the communities nearby followed the presentation about acute hepatitis. Over 100 participants joined the medical check-up in Pondok Pesantren Al-Fathonah, Kudukeras, Babakan, and Cirebon.

UMS Launches 5 New Study Programs for Master and Doctoral Degrees

UMS Launches 5 New Study Programs for Master and Doctoral Degrees

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) launched five new study programs that the Decree recently had been received from the Head of Higher Education Service Agency (LLDikti) Regional VI on Saturday (12/11) located in the Daily Advisory Board (BPH) meeting room.

On this occasion, the Rector of UMS, Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si expressed his thankfulness to improve 5 new departments and process the other 6 study programs for its establishment.

“We concentrate on improving Master and Doctoral programs to elevate our vision and mission’s achievements and we justify our vision, especially in the development of science and technology that have Islamic character and are transformative,” he said.

According to him, UMS is developing its scientific concern. On this occasion, it represented the development of the Master’s and Doctoral programs.

“To develop the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral programs, we follow our (UMS) vision. Therefore, the new decrees include Master of Mathematics, Master of Informatics, Master of Nursing Science, and Doctoral programs in Pharmacy and Psychology. It is to lead the transformation,” he added.

The Rector also appreciated all parties in supporting UMS to increase the number of its departments. He also hoped to develop it based on the strategic plans that have been arranged.

“We surely have the intention to make these five study programs to strengthen the existence of UMS in wider communities, strengthen the vision and mission of UMS and keep our excellent accreditation status,” he said.

On the same occasion, Bhimo Widyo Andoko, SH, MH, the Head of LLDikti Regional VI congratulated the new establishment of five study programs according to the Ministerial Decrees in the chaotic schedule to the end of the year.

“I hope by this establishment, it can improve the quality and become the development strategies of Higher Education based on its timeline in strategic plans,” he added.

The Head of LLDikti is also ready to synergize with UMS, especially the lecturers, the promotion, and many other elements. LLDikti will provide the best partnership for Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Bhimo Widyo also highlighted that UMS should be concerned about various competitions, especially in quality development and education. The other important thing is to synergize inter-institution in both state and private universities.

“The Development of LLDikti becomes the common purpose of Higher Education, especially the LLDikti Regional VI which has increased its quality. I hope it can adjust to the demand, competitively, “ he added.

Vice Rector III Deploys Six UMRI Students To 10th Provincial Sports Week in Kuansing

Vice Rector III Deploys Six UMRI Students To 10th Provincial Sports Week in Kuansing

Pekanbaru – Six students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI) were selected by the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Pekanbaru to represent the city in the 10th Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) 2022 in Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing). They, on Wednesday (09/11), received special encouragement from the Vice Rector III for Student, Islam, and Muhammadiyah studies and Collaboration Affairs, Dr. Jufrizal Syahri MSI.

Located in the Meeting Room of KH Ahmad Dahlan Building, Jufrizal encouraged his students to do their best in the competition. “Prepare your best physical condition and bring a good name of UMRI and Pekanbaru. Believing in your abilities. I hope you accomplish the maximal result from optimal practices,” he said.

The students would compete in several sports branches, including Rock Climbing, Water Rafting, Muay Thai, and Pencak Silat. Marfuad, a Mechanical Engineering student, and Lia Milania and Nur Oktavia, Accounting students would compete in Rock Climbing. While Gunawa Trisna Wijaya, a Management student, would compete in water rafting. Brian Naufal, a Communication Science student, would represent Pekanbaru in the Muay Thai branch. Moreover, in Pencak Silat, Ayu Sintia, a Communication Science student would fight in the 10th Porprov 2022.

Since August 2022, UMRI athletes have been preparing for their physical and mental condition in various training sessions. In rock climbing, the training centered on UNRI Wall Climbing. Meanwhile, for water rafting, the athlete practiced in UIN lake and Kampar river. In an interview, Lia, one of the athletes, asked for support from all academic civitas. “Please pray for us, support us to bring medals home to Pekanbaru and UMRI, especially in Proprov Kuansing,” Lia, the Mapala member, said.

The 10th Porprov 2022 would be started from 12 to 22 November 2022 competing for 23 sports branches. Specifically for three branches, it would be held outside Kuansing. Swimming and Gymnastics in Pekanbaru, while Rock Climbing in Indragiri Hulu. After Porprov, three students, Marfuad, Brian Naufal Muzakki, and Ayu Sintia would continue competing in West Sumatra in National Students Sports Week (POMNAS).

Witnessed by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, UMMU Signs MOU To Support SDGs Program

Witnessed by PUPR Minister, UMMU Signs MOU To Support SDGs

The Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara (UMMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian Association of Hydraulics Engineering (HATHI) witnessed by the Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono. The signing procession was conducted at the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) HATHI in Mataram. On this occasion, UMMU became the selected guest that has been invited by the Ministry with the UMMU Rector, Prof Saiful Deni, as the representative.

In this two-day meeting, the 39th PIT HATHI raised the theme “Smart Technology Utilization to Reduce Water Disaster Risk in COVID-19 Era” (28-29/10). It was opened by the Minister of PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono in the Meeting Room of River Basin Station (BWS) Command Center, Nusa Tenggara I, Mataram.

Prof Saiful Deni declared the big role of UMMU in the future to innovate technology to reduce disaster risk. “UMMU serves in providing human resources and technology as the main element to meet the need,” he added.

The annual meeting also supported the Indonesian government program with the United Nations about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program in the sixth point to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all that can affect the health status of people and natural resources.

UMSU Public Lecture Welcomes Postgraduate Students

UMSU Public Lecture Welcomes Postgraduate Students

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) held a public lecture to welcome freshmen of Postgraduate program, Saturday (22/10). It was organized by the Postgraduate Program (PPs) UMSU attended by the Vice Rector I, Prof Dr Muhammad Arifin SH MHum. On the other hand, the Head of Human Resource Development Center (PPSDM) of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR/BPN), Dr Agustyarsyah DSiT SH raised the theme “Land as a Primary Need and Policy in Industrial Revolution 4.0”.

In his remarks, Prof Arifin mentioned that currently, higher education orientation is different from previous years due to the ministry regulation. “One of them is a limitation period of the study. So, prepare yourselves to learn, do not play around,” he said. Furthermore, the Director of Postgraduate Program UMSU, Prof Dr H Triono Eddy SH MHum explained that they strive to improve the education service. “UMSU Postgraduate program commits and tries to elevate the education quality through building capacity programs to produce our vision and mission as well as our goals,” he said.

Previously, the Committee Chief of Assoc Prof Dr Adi Mansar SH MHum reported the Freshmen Orientation through the public lecture. “We choose the theme intentionally because philosophically, land is our primary need, so it was needed by everyone,” Adi Mansar reported. On the other hand, Dr Agustyarsyah S. SiT on his material explained more about the legal basis of land rights in Indonesia.