Celebrating Eid Al-Adha 1443H, UMPR Distribute Sacrificial Meats

Celebrating Eid Al-Adha 1443H, UMPR Distribute Sacrificial Meats

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya (UMPR) celebrated Eid Al-Adha by slaughtering the sacrificial animals on Sunday (10/07) to be distributed. UMPR celebrates the festival of sacrifice with eight cows as the sacrificial animals. These cows were from UMPR leaders, lecturers, and staff as donors (shohibul qurban). The committee chief of the program, Hendri MPd, mentioned that animal slaughtering was conducted in a different place than in previous years. For the current year, the slaughtering was conducted in the slaughterhouse. “We did it to prevent the crowds due to the transition of the Covid-19 endemic. Meanwhile, we still distribute in the campus area,” Hendri said on Monday (11/07).

Furthermore, the Rector of UMPR, Dr Sonedi MPd explained that it is an annual program for UMPR academic civitas. “Besides performing sacrificial worship in Eid Al-Adha, it also becomes syiar Islam. We also help the communities in need,” he said. He also mentioned that sacrifice is defined as expressing gratitude to Allah SWT. The gratitude was expressed for all blessings He has given to all mankind.

Afterward, the sacrificial meats were distributed to the communities. From eight cows, two cows were distributed to Marang village. The distribution was conducted by the Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP). According to Dr Sonedi MPd, it became the way to share and love with others.

UMPO Distributed 2.100 Sacrificial Meats To Communities

UMPO Distributed 2.100 Sacrificial Meats To Communities

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) celebrated Eid Al-Adha in 10 Dzulhijjah 1443 H slaughtering and distributing the 2.100 sacrificial meats. The slaughtering of 9 cows from 63 shohibul qurban was conducted on Saturday (09/07) and Sunday (10/07). The 63 sacrificial animal donors were UMPO academic civitas collected by the Philanthropic Body of Muhammadiyah (LazisMu). From 9 sacrificial animals, it resulted in 2.100 packages of meat to be distributed. The sacrificial meats were distributed to communities in the foster villages of Muhammadiyah.

The distribution in foster villages consisted of Pundak and Jambon districts, not only the sacrificial meats, but also groceries packages from UMPO lecturers and staff. The groceries were also distributed to surrounding communities and the Muhammadiyah Local Board. The Qur’an education institutions also received the groceries, including the beneficiaries in various parties.

The Head of Islamic Da’wa Studies and Development (BP3DI) UMPO, Bambang Wahrudin MPd explained about the program. According to him, that UMPO celebrated Eid Al-Adha by distributing 2.100 sacrificial meats had made the beneficiaries grateful and encouraged them to keep worshiping Allah. On the other hand, it also improved the blessing for UMPO through the beneficiaries’ prayers. “We define Eid Al-Adha as a worshiping act and obedience form to Allah SWT. It is what we will try to reach by sacrificing animals, that can be defined as to control our human’s desire. So in the future, we can improve our faith and devoutness to Allah SWT,” he said. [] CHERD / UMPO

Strengthening Muhammadiyah Ideology, ITS PKU Muh Surakarta Held Baitul Arqam

ITS PKU Muh Surakarta Held Baitul Arqam Strengthening Muhammadiyah Ideology

To strengthen Muhammadiyah ideology, ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta held Baitul Arqam in collaboration with Muhammadiyah Central Board, Wednesday-Thursday (13-14/07). With the theme “Internalization of Islamic and Muhammadiyah teachings in Campus Life”, the ideological training was followed by 82 participants composed of leaders, lecturers, and educational personnel in ITS PKU Muh Surakarta.

The program aimed to strengthen Muhammadiyah comprehension for academic civitas of ITS PKU Muh Surakarta. It was attended by Dr Khoiruddin Bashori, KH Dr Tafsir MAg, Dr Ari Anshori MAg, Prof Sofyan Anief MSi, Weni Hastuti MKes PhD, and Dr Syamsul Hidayat MAg.

Weni Hastuti MKes PhD, the Rector of ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta, delivered her materials on Baitul Arqam to revitalize the comprehension of Muhammadiyah’s ideology. “We have religious spirit in Muhammadiyah that all ITS PKU Muhammadiyah academic civitas should improve and implement it everywhere, and refresh their Muhammadiyah understanding,” he said.

Furthermore, the Committee of Baitul Arqam, Suyanto, M.Ag mentioned the program also aimed to unify perspective for all ITS PKU Muhammadiyah academic civitas. “Campus civitas should have a common perspective in integrity, insight, and viewpoint in understanding and implementing the Muhammadiyah mission. Civitas should understand the ideology of Muhammadiyah movement and implement the spirit of Islam and Muhammadiyah in their campus life,” he concluded.

UNISA Bandung Expert Lecture Encourages Youth Entrepreneurship

UNISA Bandung Expert Lecture Encourages Youth Entrepreneurship

Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Bandung (UNISA Bandung) held the expert lecture of Business Management on Friday (01/07). With the theme “Youngpreneur Challenges in Business Era 5.0”. The program was initiated by the collaboration of the Tourism department and International Trade department, the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Social Science (FEBIS) UNISA Bandung. The students of this department attended the Second Campus of Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Bandung , Palasari Street, 9A. They paid attention to Kang Nazar, TOME AME Founder, and Kang Roshid, Badudu.id Founder who delivered their materials. Kang Rivaldi Arissaputra, Ruang Digital Nusantara Founder, led the discussion.

The Chairman of the Tourism department, Winda Gafrilia MM Par mentioned the lecture aims to motivate students. It was expected that when they graduate from the campus, they will not depend on the industrial world, but they also can be entrepreneurs. “So when the students graduate, they not only help themselves but also create job opportunities for others,” she said, as reported on UNISA Bandung site.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the International Trade department, Sarah Sentika SE MSM, explained her expectation to provide information in the business world. “I hope the students will be motivated and implement the experts’ presentations. The students can begin with considering the opportunities and challenges in Era 5.0,” she said. Principally, the program also highlighted the demographic bonus in Indonesia. [] CHERD /Unisa Bandung

UMLA Tapak Suci Athlete Won Bali National Championship 2

UMLA Tapak Suci Athlete Won Bali National Championship 2

Tapak Suci (Muhammadiyah Martial Arts) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan (UMLA) regained accomplishment in Bali National Championship 2 in Bali. The championship was followed by the participants from various levels from students/adults, high school to elementary students.

In the competition, UMLA had sent 11 athletes of Tapak Suci. Each athlete won in every match comprised 2 silver medals and 9 bronze medals. “Before following the national championship, they had practiced more than usual and finally they won,” said Miptakul Zuhri, UKM Tapak Suci coach.

Dr Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat, SKep Ns MKes, the Rector of UM Lamongan appreciated the hard work of his students and their coach. Their achievement in Bali National Championship 2 directly maintains the good name of UMLA. “We hope that UKM Tapak Suci will attract the student to follow the Student Activity Unit (UKM), so it will ease the outstanding student in martial arts. Especially in introducing Tapak Suci in various parties as a Muhammadiyah autonomous organization,” he said.

UKM Tapak Suci UMLA was established in 2010 and currently led by Bayu Firmansyah. All achievements had been accomplished by this unit at local, regional, national, and international levels.

Twenty Five Students of UM Palopo Passed Independent Student Exchange

Twenty-Five UM Palopo Students Passed Independent Student Exchange

Twenty-five students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo (UM Palopo) got Independent Student Exchange (PMM) 2 announced on Tuesday (05/07). PMM is a program from the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek). Through the program, Kemendikbud Ristek provides college students with the opportunity to use their rights to learn outside their study field and their University.

UM Palopo students that passed the PMM 2 comprised 25 students from various departments, including 12 English Education students, Ratna; Azizulnufuz; Andi Azizah NA; Mira Mail; Asri Syarifuddin; Anil; Nurul Jihad; Nesa; Audy Alya B; Nanda Hariska; Ervina Ampulembang; Tianshy Ridwan; and 5 Accounting students, Patima Azzahra; Firdayanti; Nurfadilla Adam; Zara Aghsari; Dewi Febriyani. From the Management department, Ritayanti, Herman, Wafik Hasisa, Fajar DAP, dan Nurhuda would follow the program, while Mahisyura Zalsabila dan Annisa Fitryani Yusuf from Pharmacy department. 

The Rector of UM Palopo, Dr Salju SE MM appreciated students and their supervisors. According to him, his 25 students have achieved outstanding accomplishments. “I appreciate all students who passed the 2022 PMM2 program. It becomes an amazing achievement for Unmuh Palopo,” he said, as reported on the UM Palopo site. Afterward, the Chairman of Research and Community Service Institutes, Syamsul Alam expressed his gratitude for this achievement. He also expected that in the following year, this achievement to join the PMM2 program would increase.

UMKLA Webinar, Discussing Income From Instagram

UMKLA Webinar, Discussing Income From Instagram

Communication Science Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten (UMKLA) held a webinar raising the theme “How to Make Money on Instagram ”, Friday (08/07). The webinar was organized by the collaboration of the Communication Science department, UMY, and Rumah Media Yogyakarta. Several speakers delivered their materials, including Dr. Fajar Junaedi, M.Si, the Chairman of Communication Science UMY as Keynote Speakers, and Khusnul Amalin, M.I.Kom, media social practitioner and Communication Science lecturers, UMKLA.

The webinar was conducted in the establishment of two concentrations in UMKLA, digital public relations and digital advertising. In the remarks, Dani Kurniawan, M.I.Kom, the Chairman of Communication Science UMKLA mentioned that Instagram has become one of the media platforms in the digital ecosystem. The platform is commonly used as narcissistic media to post photos and videos. “But, Instagram potentially boosts income, so the webinar can be a guide in making money,” he said.

The data mentioned by Fajar Junaedi showed that Instagram is currently used by over 1 billion people (Marketer, 2021). Besides personal use, Instagram becomes a Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Customer (B2C) platform. Also, Instagram is advantageous due to its engagement being 4 times higher than Facebook. Interestingly, 71 percent of American people have succeeded in running the business through Instagram. Instagram also has an advertisement section that grew to 113 percent from February 2018 to February 2019. Therefore, Mas Jun, his familiar name, mentioned that to make money on Instagram, some people should own content planning and use the right hashtag.

In addition, Khusnul Amalin, M.I.Kom. explained that Instagram becomes a star platform for producing income, both passive income, and active income. It is supported by providing a neat and interesting showcase. “So people prefer to sell their products on IG,” she said. Furthermore, Alin, her familiar name, explained several ways to make money, including product reviews, open paid promotion/endorsement, preloved sale, personal shopper, and affiliate programs. “So, the key to success is content planning and copywriting,” she said. [] UMKLA / CHERD

UNIMUGO Celebrates Eid Al-Adha, Distributed 1.200 Sacrificial Meats

UNIMUGO Celebrates Eid Al-Adha, Distributed 1.200 Sacrificial Meats

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong (UNIMUGO) held Eid Al-Adha prayer on last Saturday (09/07). Thousands of Muslims around Gombong and Sempor have performed the prayer in the campus yard. It was organized in the collaboration of UNIMUGO and the Muhammadiyah Branch Board (PCM) of Gombong. The preparation had been conducted on the previous day, including preparing the prayer line for male and female prayers; the sound system; audiovisuals; and the parking lot.

Afterward, the Eid Al-Adha was led by the imam, Ustad Said Akbar Ramadhan Lc. Also, Ir HM Yahya Fuad SE, the Daily Advisory Board of UNIMUGO, delivered the sermon (khutbah) as khatib. “We should always be grateful to Allah SWT for every possession we have. Because it was just His treasure, you should not feel lost when this treasure returns to Allah,” said Ir HM Yahya Fuad. The prayer was conducted from 06.30 to 07.15 a.m. 

Furthermore, UNIMUGO distributed 1.200 packages of sacrificial meats to the community. The committee of 1443 H Eid Al-Adha UNIMUGO, Podo Yuwono MKep explained that the packages would be distributed to Muhammadiyah Local Board (PRM) in Gombong and the community around campus. “Alhamdulillah, the committee has well-prepared everything, especially for the selection of the good and healthy sacrificial animals,” said Podo in the middle of the distribution, as reported on the UNIMUGO site.

UMSU Lecturer Participated in 2022 IIAS EURO MENA Conference

UMSU Lecturer Participated in 2022 IIAS EURO MENA Conference

Zulfikri, SE, MBA, Ph.D. (Cand.), Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) lecturer, was selected to follow the 2022 IIAS EURO MENA Conference in Rome, Italy. The conference was a scientific event targeting Public Administration bachelors and professionals all over the world. “The event aimed to reflect contemporary topics through plenary sessions. It invited speakers and parallel sessions to present speakers by selection based on the call for contribution,” said Zulfikri, Tuesday (05/07).

The Economic and Business Faculty lecturers were selected to present the research related to zakat administration in Indonesia by raising the topic “a conceptual framework of the blockchain technology adoption for zakat institution in Indonesia”. The concept of blockchain technology implementation in zakat institutions in Indonesia so it becomes effective and efficient management. At first, blockchain technology was used to support crypto transactions, but currently, it has been used in various industrial sectors due to its effectiveness in saving informational and transactional tracks so it is safe and transparent.

Zulfikri also mentioned the agenda that organized by the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) is a worldwide non-profit organization with scientific purposes. IIAS is a federation of member states, national sections, and academic research centers jointly elaborating public administration solutions to the policy challenges of the current day. The conference has been organized for more than 20 years, since 2001, and has been conducted in numerous countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. In 2022, IIAS EURO MENA was located at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy, Monday-Thursday (27-30/06). [] CHERD / UMSU

UMSB Student Exchange Program, Maintaining Minangkabau Identity

UMSB Student Exchange Program, Maintaining Minangkabau Identity

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UMSB) launched the international student exchange program on Wednesday (06/07). The program aimed to produce graduates that have international competitiveness. Besides elevating competitiveness, the graduates also need to maintain their identity as Minangkabaunes. The Rector of UMSB, Dr Riki Saputra MA directly launched the program located in Prof Dr Yunahar Ilyas Lc MAg Convention Hall, the Third Campus, Bukittinggi. In the first batch, the program would be conducted online. The students involved UMSB students in Minangkabau and Minangkabaunes’ students in the United States and Australia.

It was called the Virtual Diaspora of International Student Exchange Program (VR2ISEP). It also raised the theme “When Ranah Meets Rantau”. The term ranah demonstrated students in Minangkabau, while the term rantau illustrated Minangkabaunes who study overseas. The program is in collaboration with UM Sumatera Barat with the Minang organization in America. The organization is a diasporic organization of Minangkabau in the United States. The other collaboration involved the community of Surau Sydney Australia (SSA).

Dr Riki Saputra congratulated 16 UMSB students who followed the program. “It is in line with UMSB’s vision and mission to develop the synergy of knowledge and technology with spiritual values and local wisdom,” he said. Furthermore, the VR2ISEP Committee, Isral Naska MA mentioned six United States students and six Australian students followed the program.