UM Buton Convention Center Has Inaugurated

UM Buton Convention Center Has Inaugurated

The trust from the Baubau communities to pursue higher education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton increased significantly. Therefore, UM Buton supported human resource improvement and facilities development by establishing the UM Buton Convention Center. That was a statement from the Rector of UM Buton, Wa Ode Al Zarliani when inaugurated the UM Buton Convention Center, Tuesday (17/05).

The procession was attended by Prof. Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, M.So (President of Muhammadiyah Central Board), Dr. Hj. Siti Noordjannah Djohantini, M.M., M.Si (President of ‘Aisyiyah Central Board), Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development/CHERD), M. Sayuti, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Secretary of CHERD), Wa Ode Ahmad Monianse, S.Pd (Mayor of Baubau), Iis Elianti (Deputy Mayor of Baubau), Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organization Boards, Muhammadiyah Service Boards in South-East Sulawesi, other Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution boards, and Unmuh Buton academic civitas.

Unmuh Buton Rector mentioned in the development areas would be built 10 building units, including Student Residential Building. On the main campus, the students should own a homestay near the campus. “The student residential building facilitates students to follow the class with ease and comfort,” Wa Ode Al Zarliani.

Furthermore, the launching of UM Buton Convention Center was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, M.So, and the President of Muhammadiyah Central Board witnessed by Dr. Hj. Siti Noordjannah Djohantini, M.M., M.Si, the President of ‘Aisyiyah Central Board, Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc., Ph.D., Muhammadiyah Province Board of South-East Sulawesi, Unmuh Buton Rector, the Mayor of Baubau, the Deputy Mayor of Baubau, and invited guest. The procession was continued with the inauguration of the Rector of Institute of Technology and Science Muhammadiyah North Kolaka and the Rector of Institute of Technology and Business Muhammadiyah Kolaka. [] UM Buton / CHERD

The Coaching for Unismuh Palu Lecturers to Encourage Acceleration in Functional Positions

The Coaching for Unismuh Palu Lecturers to Encourage Acceleration in Functional Positions

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu (Unismuh Palu) organized technical guidance for their lecturers on Saturday (14/05). The technical guidance invited four professors as resource persons and a moderator. Each professor delivered different materials to their specific competencies.

First, Prof Dra Indah Susilowati MSc Ph.D., the Universitas Diponegoro professor, gave coaching to prospective associate professors and professors. Second, Prof Eko Priyono SIP MSi MRes PhD, the UM Yogyakarta professor who delivered clinic journals. Third, Prof Waridin MSi Ph.D., the Universitas Diponegoro professor who gave coaching for doctoral program establishment. Fourth, Prof Jasruddin, the Universitas Negeri Makassar professor in delivering the important keys to the functional position proposal as an associate professor. Lastly, Prof Dr. Eliza Meiyani MSi, the UM Makassar professor, led the discussion.

The technical guidance was placed in Rectorate Hall attended by all boards and lecturers of Unismuh Palu. Prof Rajindra mentioned that currently, the average of Unismuh Palu lecturers is a lector. Therefore, the campus should encourage by providing enlightenment and important tips, even the solution to face challenges, such as inviting professors and experts in this field. “The following steps are to encourage the acceleration of their functional position,” said Prof Rajindra, as reported on the Unismuh Palu site.

All participants were enthusiastic about all materials from the speakers. It is illustrated in three participants’ requests to get their journal articles reviewed by the speaker. Furthermore, twelve lecturers requested to discuss their proposals as associate professor in the system. “In this technical guidance, it can be more practical, so the participants have a better understanding,” Prof Rajindra continued.

UMSIDA Socializes Independent Student Exchange Program

UMSIDA Socializes Independent Student Exchange Program

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) socialized the Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM) Batch 2 on Wednesday (18/05). The PMM became a prominent program organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology. This online socialization aimed to support government programs and soft skill and hard skill improvement. On this occasion, The Vice-Rector I UMSIDA, Hana Catur Wahyuni ST MT; the Academic Directorate UMSIDA, Evi Rinata S ST MKeb; the Deans; the Chairman and Secretary of Study Program; and various students in their second, fourth, and sixth semester in all departments.

In her remarks, Dr Hana Catur Wahyuni ST MT mentioned the PMM becomes the first milestone for academic civitas to increase their potency and expand the opportunity to study in various places. “I hope all of the chairman/woman, secretary of the study program, and the deans inform and facilitate our students to follow PMM 2,” she said. She also stated that the opening of PMM 2 should raise the lecturer and students’ intention to seize the opportunity increasing academic and non-academic potency.

With the tagline “Temporary Exchange, Permanent Meaningful Experience”, the PMM 2 program would be different from the first batch. On the first PMM, the students were able to choose specific islands in Indonesia and particular Higher Education Institutions. However, in the second batch, the students could select the level of Higher Education Institutions when they registered, and there was no partnership. So they can survey in the first place to ensure the location based on their intention and study program.

UMJ Will Establish a Doctorate Program in Public Administration

UMJ Will Establish a Doctorate Program in Public Administration

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) will soon establish a Doctorate Program of Public Administration. The field evaluation and establishment proposal were conducted on Wednesday (18/05) in Kasman Singodimejo Hall, the Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP), UMJ. It was implemented through the visitation from Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional III, the Ministry of Higher Education, and assessors. The Rector of UMJ and several leaders, the Deans, and academic civitas in UMJ warmly welcomed the assessors.

FISIP UMJ currently has four Bachelor’s programs and three Master’s programs. The Bachelor’s degree includes Social Welfare, Politics, and Public Administration Science. Meanwhile, the Master’s programs comprise Communication, Politics, and Public Administration Science. In the last two years, the academic civitas of UMJ was focused on proposing the Doctorate Program in Public Administration.

In his remarks, the UMJ Rector, Dr. Ma’mun Murod, M.Si mentioned FISIP as the oldest faculty in UM Jakarta. “FISIP is the oldest faculty that has four Bachelor’s degrees and three Master’s degrees. InsyaAllah, we pray for the Doctorate program in Public Administration to receive its operational permit. I hope an improvement program will be born, namely the Public Administration program,” he said, as reported on the UMJ site.

The Coordinator for Institutional Affairs of LLDikti Regional III, Tri Munanto fully supported the establishment. According to him, the establishment proposal of Public Administration has been accepted by LLDikti in the last 2021, and they directly recommended the establishment. “We fully supported this program establishment,” he said.

The visitation also became the advanced stage after the first stage, the supporting materials of the program establishment. The three assessors that visited UM Jakarta comprised Prof. Dr. H. Joni Emirzon, S.H., M.Hum; Prof. Dr. Ir., Euphrasia Susy Suhendra, MS; and Prof. Dr. Yulianto, M.S. continued to evaluate the curriculum, educational personnel, and facilities.

STIKes Muh Tegal Provides Muhammadiyah Cadre Scholarship

STIKes Muh Tegal Provides Muhammadiyah Cadre Scholarship

As an appreciation of dedication to the Muhammadiyah movement in Tegal, STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal provides cadre scholarship by 50 %. The scholarship is provided for tuition fees from the first to the eighth semester for the daughter of Preparedness Command from Muhammadiyah Youth Organizations (KOKAM) from the first board in Tegal.

“I hope it can be beneficial for pursuing higher education in the Pharmacy department, STIKes Muh Tegal,” said Hendra Apriyadi, the Vice-Chairman of STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal accompanied by Samsul Bakhri, the Vice-Chairman II, Tuesday (21/05) in STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal located at Kalibakung street, Tegal regency. “The synergy for STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal improvement should be endeavored. We should strengthen relationships and support each other,” Hendra continued.

Hendra Apriyadi also appreciated the dedication of Ndan Herman to the Muhammadiyah movement through KOKAM. “Therefore, for appreciation, STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal provides a scholarship for his daughter who recently graduated from Pharmacy Vocational School to continue her study in the Bachelor program in STIKes Muh Tegal through Muhammadiyah cadre scholarship,” he said.

To Use Tik Tok In Optimizing Campus Promotion

To Use Tik Tok In Optimizing Campus Promotion

The Webinar on Tik Tok utilization organized by APIK PTMA last April was reimplemented. On Monday (16/05), “Senggol Bestie: Tik Tok Utilization for Campus Promotion Programs: Part Two” was conducted online. The Association for Communication Science Department in Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (APIK PTMA) delivered material for utilizing Tik Tok as campus branding. “Because social media management on campus, especially Tik Tok as branding, should refer to a structural editorial plan based on research,” said Fajar Junaedi, UMY lecturer of Communication Science Department as moderator.

The resource persons of the webinar were Yopy Perdana Kusuma from Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang; Hari Akbar Sugiatoro from Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta; Asep Dwi Nugroho from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta; Eli Purwati from Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo; and Muhammad Rizal Ardiansyah Putra from Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton.

Furthermore, Yopy mentioned that good content should use high-quality video and supported handphones or other tools. “Contents should be picked from a specific purpose to optimize promotion based on the target. The aim includes raising awareness of our content/business and driving conversions. For the campus, this conversion undoubtedly is related to the increase of prospective students,” he said.

In the webinar, a hundred and twenty participants attended the online forum. As a follow-up agenda, APIK PTMA prepared a book about social media utilization for campus branding. “APIK PTMA was arranging a book relating to social media management for campus branding that will be published in the middle of the year,” said Fajar.

UMMAT Held Training of Trainer for Internal Quality Assurance and Audit

UMMAT Held Training of Trainer for Internal Quality Assurance and Audit

The Quality Assurance Institute of Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT) and the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional VIII held Training of Trainer (ToT) for Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI), Internal Quality Audit (AMI), and Auditor Certification in the Third Floor Auditorium of Rectorate Building, Thursday-Friday (11-13/05). The training aimed to stimulate UMMAT to receive an excellent accreditation.

“There is a significant improvement in the understanding of internal quality assurance and audit based on the pre-test, field practice, and post-test. The participants were very motivated by the knowledge and insight for internal quality assurance,” said the Chairman of Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), Dr. Junaidin, MPd. He also mentioned that Higher Education Quality Assurance System includes internal and external quality assurance based on the Higher Education Quality Assurance Guidelines (SPM-PT). Internal quality assurance is a quality assurance conducted by all concerned higher education institutions based on the regulation as defined by the government.  Meanwhile, external quality assurance is a quality assurance conducted by the external institution formed and accepted by the government as the quality assurance evaluator for higher education institutions. “SPMI and AMI become indicators in Study Program Accreditation (APS) and Higher Education Accreditation Instruments (AIPT),” he added.

Vice-Rector I, Dr. Syafril, SPd, MPd, in a statement mentioned that the training output would be an indicator to arrange policies, especially in quality assurance policies and very particular in the internal quality audit process in UMMAT. “It is a proper mindset that should be developed in higher education institutions, no improvement without evaluation. The evaluation was required to ensure the management process runs well and make sure the improvement process is well-measured. How is it possible that the management and improvement of quality assurance can be conducted without a factual basis and accurate information,” he highlighted. [] UM Mataram / CHERD

IAIM Sinjai Released 10 Students Following Pencak Silat Tournament

IAIM Sinjai Released 10 Students Following Pencak Silat Tournament

The Institute for Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai released ten students on Saturday (14/05) to follow Pencak Silat Tournament. They planned to depart to Sengkang, Wajo, South Sulawesi, joining a tournament called Asian Indoor Athletics (AIA) Championship. In this tournament, twenty-six contingents from various institutions in South Sulawesi joined, including the Sinjai regency. Becoming the only participant from Sinjai, IAIM Sinjai represented Sinjai in competing with various institutions in South Sulawesi.

IAIM Sinjai has Tapak Suci (Muhammadiyah martial arts) branch board, named Tapak Suci Training Unit (ULTS) Putra Muhammadiyah IAI Muh Sinjai. The Chairman of ULTS Putera Muhammadiyah IAI Muh Sinjai, A Sri Bulan BM, mentioned the expectation for the team. “I hope the tournament will become a preparation. All ULTS members have opportunities to sharpen their abilities,” he said.

Furthermore, A Sri Bulan BM also highlighted that in the Pencak Silat Tournament of Asian Indoor Athletics (AIA) Championship, IAI Muh Sinjai would introduce Tapak Suci as one Student Activity Unit (UKM). Therefore, IAI Muh Sinjai is concerned with the importance of new experiences for ULTS Putera Muhammadiyah members. “The most important thing is we also have an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with other Tapak Suci cadres,” Sri Bulan said, as reported on the IAIM Sinjai site.

To Optimize Academic Civitas, UMS Held Halal Bihalal

To Optimize Academic Civitas, UMS Held Halal Bihalal

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) held Halal Bihalal (Shawwal gathering) in KH Ahmad Dahlan Edutorium Building, UMS on Wednesday (11/05). The gathering was attended by Prof dr Em Sutrisna, MKes, that opened the gathering with a speech. The lecturers, educational personnel, staff, Muhammadiyah service (AUM) personnel, student organization, and freelancer also attended the event. All participants that followed the gathering applied strict health protocols.

The Vice-Rector IV UM Surakarta appreciated the offline gathering, especially in two years, Halal Bihalal was carried out online due to the pandemic. Afterward, Prof Sofyan Anif MSi, the Rector of UM Surakarta, apologized to all UM Surakarta staff. “I hope after Ramadan ends, we have prosperity in this auspicious month of Shawwal. Also, I hope we will work with high motivation, commitment, and optimal results,” he expected, as reported on the UMS site.

Prof Sofyan explained that Safari Ramadhan’s program strengthened relationships between faculties, bureaus, and institutions. He also prompted academic civitas to work better than before. “We commit to building a great global branding. We should be thankful that UMS has added two professors. Also, UMS has a dental hospital (RSGM) with the highest patient visits in Indonesia, and UM Surakarta will establish 15 more study programs, starting from bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees,” he said.

Halal Bihalal UNIMUS Highlighted The Importance of Campus Role in Da’wah

Halal Bihalal UNIMUS Highlights Urgency of Campus Role in Da’wah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (UNIMUS) held Halal Bihalal (Shawwal gathering) on Wednesday (11/05). The Rector of UNIMUS, Prof Dr Masrukhi; the former Rector of UNIMUS, Prof Dr Jamaludin Darwis, the Daily Advisory Board (BPH), Widadi; the Muhammadiyah Province Board of Central Java; the general public; and all invited guests attended. HMA Hisyam, S.Ag delivered an Islamic sermon at the gathering.

In his lecture, he explained that besides becoming a place to distribute knowledge and education, the university should become a religious da’wah and studies center. “Especially Muhammadiyah – ‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs). These institutions should emerge with knowledge distribution and da’wah activities,” he highlighted. Afterward, he also mentioned that da’wah on campus could be created by research activities, academic studies, scientific writings, etc.

Furthermore, Prof Masrukhi also stated that Halal Bihalal could be a prestigious moment after fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan. Also, it could become a moment to strengthen the Islamic brotherhood and create hostility between communities. Prof Masrukhi also highlighted how to internalize tauhid (unification of God) and civility.

This Halal Bihalal forum raised the theme “To Strengthen Relationship” to be woven together between academic civitas, stakeholders, and surrounding communities. “I hope it becomes a sense of belonging (handarbeni). Therefore, the campus will bring benefits to all communities. It also can be beneficial for the general public for educational purposes in Indonesia,” Prof Masrukhi said, as reported on the UNIMUS site.