UMMAT Held Training of Trainer for Internal Quality Assurance and Audit

The Quality Assurance Institute of Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT) and the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional VIII held Training of Trainer (ToT) for Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI), Internal Quality Audit (AMI), and Auditor Certification in the Third Floor Auditorium of Rectorate Building, Thursday-Friday (11-13/05). The training aimed to stimulate UMMAT to receive an excellent accreditation.

“There is a significant improvement in the understanding of internal quality assurance and audit based on the pre-test, field practice, and post-test. The participants were very motivated by the knowledge and insight for internal quality assurance,” said the Chairman of Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), Dr. Junaidin, MPd. He also mentioned that Higher Education Quality Assurance System includes internal and external quality assurance based on the Higher Education Quality Assurance Guidelines (SPM-PT). Internal quality assurance is a quality assurance conducted by all concerned higher education institutions based on the regulation as defined by the government.  Meanwhile, external quality assurance is a quality assurance conducted by the external institution formed and accepted by the government as the quality assurance evaluator for higher education institutions. “SPMI and AMI become indicators in Study Program Accreditation (APS) and Higher Education Accreditation Instruments (AIPT),” he added.

Vice-Rector I, Dr. Syafril, SPd, MPd, in a statement mentioned that the training output would be an indicator to arrange policies, especially in quality assurance policies and very particular in the internal quality audit process in UMMAT. “It is a proper mindset that should be developed in higher education institutions, no improvement without evaluation. The evaluation was required to ensure the management process runs well and make sure the improvement process is well-measured. How is it possible that the management and improvement of quality assurance can be conducted without a factual basis and accurate information,” he highlighted. [] UM Mataram / CHERD

UMMAT Held Training of Trainer for Internal Quality Assurance and Audit

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