Muhammadiyah CHERD Formally Opened Leadership Training Batch 7

Muhammadiyah CHERD Formally Opened Leadership Training Batch 7

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) organized Leadership Training Batch 7 for Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs). The training was managed for six days, from Monday (21/03) to Saturday (26/03). It is organized offline in Grand Rohan Hotel, Bantul.

After reciting Qur’an by Irwan Kurniawan and singing ‘Indonesia Raya’ and ‘Sang Surya’, the opening ceremony of the training was continued by reporting the Leadership Training program. The director, Dr Muhammad Samsudin, MPd, welcomed 47 participants from 29 MHEIs’ leaders. “The Leadership Training aimed to prepare all MHEIs’ leaders to face various challenges in internal campus, organization, national, and global,” he said. For six days, the participants will receive completed materials on the specific topic “Towards excellence MHEIs in Industrial Revolution 4.0”, starting from self-analysis of MHEIs to Muhammadiyah leadership.

The resource persons on this training comprise of Prof Dr H Haedar Nashir MSi; Suwarsono Muhammad MA; Prof Lincolin Arsyad MSc PhD; dr H Agus Taufiqurrahman MKes SpS; Prof Dr Bambang Setiaji; Amin Wibowo PhD; Prof Dr Abdul Mu’ti MEd; Prof Dr Gunawan Budianto MP; Dr Rustamadji MSi; Prof Fathul Wahid PhD; Prof Djamaluddin Ancok PhD; Hary Prasetyo MT PhD; Prof H Johni Najwan MH PhD; dan Prof Dr Widodo Muktiyo.


The opening remarks from Prof H Lincolin Arsyad, MSc PhD

Prof H Lincolin Arsyad, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah CHERD, delivered his remarks at the opening ceremony. He expected MHEIs’ leaders are insightful for Muhammadiyah and general necessities to provide learning and teaching to students. Prof Lincolin also reminded the participants that behaviour transformation due to the Covid-19 pandemic should not be diminished. “The online learning amidst the pandemic is a form of technology advancement, so do not forget the online learning method. From 14 meetings, three of them can be conducted online,” he said.

Moreover, Prof Lincolin also mentioned the educational challenges to evaluate learning practices amidst pandemics. He also explained the challenges with the open-book assignment system due to the minimum supervision. That would be students’ challenges, especially the bachelor’s students.

Lastly, Prof Lincolin officially opened the Leadership Traning program. Muhammad Sayuti, MPd MEd PhD, the Secretary for Muhammadiyah CHERD, handed the participants over to the Director of Leadership Training Batch 7, Dr Muhammad Samsudin.

UMKU Webinar Discussed Quality of Life Towards 5.0 Era

UMKU Webinar Discussed Quality of Life Towards 5.0 Era

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus (UMKU) organized a webinar about community quality of life on Saturday (12/03). It specifically discussed “Optimization of Community Life Towards 5.0 Era in The Pandemic”. In this webinar, Fhandy Aldi Mandaty SKep MKep, Universitas Karya Husada Semarang lecturer; Sri Karyati MKep Ns Kep Mat, and Heny Siswanti SKep Ns MKep, UMKU lecturers, become the resource persons. Muhammad Jauhar SKep Ns MKep, the UMKU lecturer, led the webinar. Before the discussion started, Rusnoto SKM MKes (Epid), UMKU Rector and Ns Masvan Yulianto SKep MKep, Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) Kudus Regions, delivered remarks to open the discussion.

The Nursery Program of UMKU organized this discussion to raise awareness of the 5.0 era. It is a community concept focusing on human resource development through technology. Rustono elaborated the idea with three elements in creating breakthroughs. “First, be infinitely creative. Second, critical thinking refers to the effectiveness of responsive and focused action. Third, the communication and collaboration between professions,” he said, as recorded on the UMKU site. The Chairman of PPNI Kudus appreciated the scientific study that the Nursery Program managed. “It illustrates that UMKU always conducts upgrades and provides spaces, especially for nurses and prospective nurses,” said Ns Masvan.

In the materials, Ns Fhandy Aldy MKep explained that the way we live would determine the quality of life in the 5.0 era, especially in the technology utilization for a more comfortable and prosperous life. Sri Karyanti also mentioned the specific nursery topic. Afterwards, Heni Siswanti also explained that the 5.0 era requires great competency and a good personality. [] CHERD

BKKBN Collaborates With Muhammadiyah To Decrease Stunting Case in Indonesia

BKKBN – Muhammadiyah Collaboration To Decrease Stunting Case

Muhammadiyah is Indonesia’s most extensive Islamic organization that has prepared human resources and Muhammadiyah services in various sectors, especially education. That was a statement from Hasto Wardoyo, the Head of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN), on the signing of the MoU between BKKBN and Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) in UM Semarang Friday (18/03). The collaboration aimed to accelerate the stunting problems that increased sharply in several provinces. Besides UM Semarang, UM Surakarta and UM Yogyakarta are also involved in this collaboration. 

“Muhammadiyah CHERD permits us (BKKBN) to collaborate with 174 Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia. The collaboration aims to improve human resources through stunting prevention,” Hasto Wardoyo explained. The partnership involved a basic core program for producing excellent human resources based on the family core. The Student Study Service (KKN) in all MHEIs that collaborates with the Independent Learning program engages students to participate in the improvement of community awareness. “Because the family development is an extensive topic. Besides stunting, it includes mental-emotional disorders that become BKKBN and Muhammadiyah CHERD orientation,” he continued.

The Rector of UNIMUS, Mashrukhi, mentioned various programs of BKKBN that are in line with Muhammadiyah’s mission. “One of BKKBN programs, Bangga Kencana, is suitable to decrease stunting cases in Indonesia. Several programs of BKKBN also matched with various programs in MHEIs,” said Mashrukhi.

MoA Between UMKO and PWI To Strengthen Synergy in Journalism

MoA Between UMKO and PWI To Strengthen Synergy in Journalism

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO) signed an agreement (Memorandum of Agreement/MoA) between UMKO and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) on Monday (14/03). The signing procession was conducted at the Faculty of Law UMKO with PWI Lampung Utara Branch Board (Lampura). It followed up on UM Kotabumi visitation on PWI Lampura Office conducted last month. Meanwhile, from the UM Kotabumi party, the collaboration was from the Faculty of Law and Social Science UM Kotabumi.

Suwardi, the Dean of UM Kotabumi, explained that the collaboration aimed to synergize with various programs in journalism. “It aimed to combine programs between two institutions. The students of UM Kotabumi can undergo their final assignment as an internship in a media company under PWI Lampura,” he said. Later, when PWI members required programs in law topics, UM Kotabumi would be willing to be resource persons. “Because UM Kotabumi has various experts in law specifications,” he added. Afterwards, Suwardi also expected that UM Kotabumi students could intern in PWI Lampura for the final subject of pursuing a degree.

Moreover, Rozy Ardiansyah, the Chairman of PWI Lampura, highly appreciated MoA with UM Kotabumi. He hoped that eventually, he would inventory PWI Lampura members to pursue higher degrees in UM Kotabumi, both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. “To conclude, we (PWI Lampura) appreciate the collaboration between UMKO and PWI Lampura. I will inventory our members to pursue higher education for bachelor’s and master’s in UMKO,” said Rozy, as reported on the UMKO site.

UMMAT Student Won 1st Runner Up On NTB Tourism Ambassador

UMMAT Student Won 1st Runner Up On NTB Tourism Ambassador

Khotin Salwa, the fourth-semester student of Law Faculty Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT), won the First Runner Up on 2022 West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Ambassador. Followed by 45 finalists, the grand final of Youth Tourism Ambassador for West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)  was conducted at Aruna Senggigi Resort & Convention last February. “Alhamdulillah, besides winning runner up, Salwa also won 2022 Anti-Drugs Ambassador that will inaugurate on March 2022,” she said on the written statement.

I Gusti Nyoman Ardhika Putra, the Chairman of Committee, reported that this Youth Tourism Ambassador became the second annual program that previously had been organized in 2020. It had been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “Through this program, I hope we can create a smart young generation in public speaking that can promote NTB tourist destination,” he said.


Khotin Salwa, UMMAT Student Won 1st Runner Up On NTB Tourism Ambassador
Khotin Salwa, UMMAT Student Won 1st Runner Up On NTB Tourism Ambassador

In line with the Committee, Amjad as the Head for Tourism Promotion, NTB Tourism Office expected all participants to contribute and take part in promoting various events in NTB. “The young generation has a huge responsibility to promote Indonesia tourist destinations, especially in NTB. Also, we should widely promote NTB tourist sites due to the Moto GP championship in the following month,” he said. [] UMMAT / CHERD

UMPR Signed MoU To Boost Employment Opportunities

UMPR Signed MoU To Boost Employment Opportunities

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya (UMPR) and PT Prima Karya Sarana Sejahtera (PKSS) agreed to collaborate by signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Monday (14/03). In the remarks, the Branch Manager of PT PKSS Palangka Raya, Novianty, explained they focus on recruitment, assessment, and training to have expert human resources in the PKSS’s management. “Our collaboration with UMPR aims to support the best candidate for getting jobs,” she said.

Moreover, the UMPR Rector, Dr Sonedi, M.Pd, highly appreciated this agreement. He mentioned that PKSS has good access in various places. It includes State-owned Enterprises, governmental institutions, and other employment opportunities. Afterwards, the company also facilitates to offer of this job opportunity in Indonesia.

Dr Sonedi also explained that collaboration becomes a positive program. UMPR graduates would own the information they need related to job prospects. “We are grateful for supporting alumni to gain access to employment prospects. The alumni of UMPR have various opportunities in several institutions by accessing information in PT PKSS. PT PKSS will also transfer various information related to employment. And I expected that this collaboration would be continued in the future,” said Dr Sonedi, MPd. The Vice-Rector II, Ika Safitri Windiarti ST MEng PhD, and the Collaboration and International Affairs division also presented.

UM Gorontalo Organized IPR Submission Assistance

UM Gorontalo Organized IPR Submission Assistance

In recent days, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) started to develop and attracted Higher Education Institutions’ attention, including UM Gorontalo (UMGO). IPR is an asset to secure someone’s scientific works and intellectual property. That was a statement from Dr. H. Salahudin Pakaya, MH, the Vice-Rector II UM Gorontalo, as he opened the IPR Submission Assistance by the Gorontalo Regional Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Prof Haryono Suyono Building, Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), Tuesday (15/03).

Dr Salahudin also mentioned the importance of awareness and a complete mindset for UMGO lecturers to improve their scientific works. “I always remind us to change our mindset that human resources is an asset. They are not the financial burden of an institution,” said the Law lecturer. Although in the financial statement, the human resource becomes a financial burden. However, the staff or human resource becomes an investment or asset. “In the balance sheet, it is called investment, because they produce something. One of the production is when our intellectual institution produces articles and books,” he added.

According to the data, UMGO had succeeded in achieving nine IPRs in 2021 and has 67 IPRs in total. Dr Muh Firyal Akbar, S.IP., M.Si, the Chairman of LP2M, explained that UMGO should increase the number of IPRs in the future. “The number of IPRs of UMGO should be similar with the number of lecturers in a year. However, various lecturers did not submit their property rights. The property rights are important for us to protect our works, reports, and many other forms,” he said.

UM Lampung Held Research Workshop To Encourage Lecturers

UM Lampung Held Research Workshop To Encourage Lecturers

Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung (UM Lampung) held a ‘Scientific Writing Training’ workshop on Wednesday-Friday (09-11/03). The agenda was conducted on KH Ahmad Dahlan Auditorium, Campus I, UM Lampung. Twenty-five participants attended the workshop, including various lecturers in the Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP). It aimed to elevate the motivation, competencies, and productivity of UM Lampung lecturers.

The Head of Higher Education Service Agency (LLDikti) Regional II, Prof Yuliansyah was delegated by the Head of General Division, Fansyuri Dwi Putra SE MSi delivered his remarks. “This scientific writing workshop becomes essential to motivate writing skills in Lampung, especially UM Lampung,” he said as reported on UM Lampung site. He also explained that research results should have roles and benefits in education, research, and community service. 

This assistance invited three speakers. The first speaker, Dr Agus Sutanto, delivered “Sharing of Writing Experience in National Accredited Journal and International Reputable Journal” materials. Afterward, the second speaker, Dr Tri Yuni Hendrowati presented materials about the “Scientific Article Writing Technique”. Third speaker, Dr Dedi Turmudi presented “The Technique for Citation, Reference, Manager, Paraphrasing, and Plagiarism”.

In his remarks, the Rector of UM Lampung, Dr Dalman, MPd explained that education development in higher education institutions generally experiences a significant improvement in Indonesia. Higher education institutions should elevate their competencies in quality assurance and priority programs, along with scientific paper publication. “The writing productivities and scientific papers should be implemented in community service and regional development,” he said.

Moreover, the Dean of FKIP UML, Hesti, MPd as the Chairwoman of Committee explained that it was a part of Tri Dharma (three values) implementation of Higher Education institutions. “ We hope that with this research result, we can elevate our result quality and be beneficial in providing solutions for the broader community,” she said.

UMM Sengkaling Park Provides Complete Travel Packages

Sengkaling Park Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) becomes one of tourist destinations when visiting Malang, East Java. After the acquisition last 2013, a major renovation had been conducted by the White Campus. One of the renovations was a food center establishment, Sengkaling Food Festival (SFF). The recreation park has various playgrounds that can be enjoyed by children and adult visitors. The visitors are provided a Malang culinary court involved in Sengkaling Food Festival. Moreover, on the left side of the locket, there are lodgings with the yacht-shaped concept, Kapal Garden Hotel. The visitors also can visit the sports center in container form, Workout Container Gym.

“For the entrance to Sengkaling Park, we charge IDR 30.000 on weekdays and IDR 35.000 on weekends. Several facilities include free access to swimming pools, animal sanctuary, rabbit park, and various free sections. We also provide the pass-ticket that includes all swimming pools, Bom-Bom Car, Dragon Boat, Kiddy Trains, Bumper Boat, 4D Theater, and Joyland Game Zone,” said the General Manager of UMM Sengkaling Park, Dr. Achmad Mohyi, M.M.

Overall, the park comprises three parts, a water section, playgrounds, and animal sanctuaries. In the water section, the visitors will be pampered by swimming pools for adults and children. It also provides a mystery boat, a primitive concept, a Tirta sari concept, and squid concept pools. “While in the playgrounds, we have mystery boat, motorboat, and water-biking that can be played for walks. We also have a bom-bom car, 4D theater, playground, kiddy train, bumper boat, and many other sections,” said Dr. Achmad in his written statement.

At the moment, Sengkaling park has started to combine education and tourism in its recreation park. Achmad also explained that Sengkaling has collaborated with various schools to conduct training and education. The agenda includes procedures to create a micro-hydro power station, plane, fast car, and environmental training. [] UMM/CHERD

Unismuh Palu Students Supports Campus’ Disaster Resilience

Unismuh Palu Students Supports Campus’ Disaster Resilience

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu (Unismuh Palu) trained several students in disaster management, Saturday-Sunday (26-27/02). The agenda practiced students to be volunteers. The volunteers would be affiliated with the Volunteer team of Sintuvu Unismuh Palu that be ready everywhere and anytime when they are needed. Sixteen students from two respective delegates as participants.

The committee, Fika P Omolu, explained that the program aimed to raise student awareness for disaster management. “Also, it can create disaster resilience in the university,” said Fika. Moreover, the Rector of Unismuh Palu, Prof. Dr. Rajindra, SE, MM explained that Muhammadiyah has already concerned about disaster management. It was demonstrated by establishing Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center to handle disasters.

According to Prof Rajindra, Unismuh Palu, one of Muhammadiyah services, has created a disaster management unit, Sintuvu. It responded to what Palu faced three years ago on 28 September 2018. “After we had faced an earthquake on 28 September 2018, we realized how unfamiliar we are to handle the disaster. Therefore, we need volunteers to manage victims through a Disaster Management unit,” said Prof Rajindra.

The Rector also planned to involve the medical team of Siti Fadilah Supari hospital. Recently, they had their operational car. After delivering a speech, Prof Rajindra pinned volunteer suits of the Sintuvu disaster management unit of Unismuh Palu to a student representative as the training started. Afterwards, the agenda continued by the Head of Disaster Management and Logistics for National Disaster Management Coordinating Board (BPBD) Southeast Sulawesi, Andi Adityawarman Sembiring, S.STP., MSi, presenting his materials.