Muhammadiyah CHERD Held Quality Assurance Workshop and Association Establishment

Muhammadiyah CHERD Held Quality Assurance Workshop and Association Establishment

“Never manage Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) to improve the number of Bachelors only, however, we should have outcomes to contribute in producing smart, confident, and high integrity students,” said Prof Edy Suandi Hamid. That was a statement from the Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) in Quality Assurance MHEIs Workshop and Association Establishment. It was conducted offline in Sahid Hotel, Yogyakarta from Tuesday to Thursday (08-10/03).

The agenda aimed to establish qualified, excellent, competitive, and progressive higher education institutions. “We cannot compete if our institutions have bad quality. So, we should realize that the higher education institutions need to elevate accountabilities on various stakeholders,” he said to 70 participants.

By the quality assurance association, the Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah higher education institutions can collaborate in elevating skills and knowledge. “The meeting can be a medium to exchange information and experience in developing MHEIs collectively,” said Prof Lincolin Arsyad, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah CHERD in the opening remarks.

Prof Lincolin Arsyad also prompted MHEI leaders to cooperate in improving quality assurance so all higher education institutions can enhance their internal quality in collaboration.

Medical Check-Up from UAD Student Study Service

To Maintain Health, UAD Student Study Service Held Medical Check-Up

Students from Student Study Service (KKN) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) conducted medical check-ups that finished on Friday (25/02). The agenda had been held since Saturday (12/02) in Jaten, Argosari, Sedayu district, Bantul regions, Yogyakarta. It aimed to provide and improve community health maintenance.

The medical check-up comprises blood pressure, uric acid, height, weight, and abdominal circle measurement. People also get direct counseling for their daily diet to prevent several diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, and uric acid.

Aldi Baskoro, the KKN UAD student, explained that the health check-up program became a pilot program in the XIV.A.1 Unit aimed to raise the communities’ awareness of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. “The health check-up is our pilot program comprised of four Neighborhood Units (RT) in Jaten, RT 40, 41, 42, and 43 targetted 80 participants. Alhamdulillah, we accomplish the target,” said Aldi.

Roh Pitutur, the Chief in Jaten, explained that the people were enthusiasts and grateful for the medical check-up. He also mentioned in this current period, the health issue is an important and serious thing. Also, he appreciated the KKN UAD students that had succeeded in organizing the agenda.

Moreover, Wagiman, one of the Jaten people, admitted that he was grateful and supported by the health check-up. “The program helps us to comprehend the results. We also get a better understanding of hypertension, diabetes, and uric acid as soon as possible,” he said.

Besides this program, KKN UAD students and Field Supervisor (DPL), Wajiran, S.S., M.A., Ph.D. also conducted an education program for Washing Hands with Soap in supporting communities’ awareness of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. [] CHERD

NGOBI, IMM STKIP Muh Oku Timur Idea To Produce Militant Cadres

NGOBI, IMM STKIP Muh Oku Timur Idea To Produce Militant Cadres

To strengthen relationships with Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of Commissariat STKIP Muhammadiyah Oku Timur conducted NGOBI (Ngobrol Bareng Ikatan/Association Members’ Dialogue) in RAJAKS Restaurant and Cafe, Tulus Ayu, Sunday (06/03). By raising the theme “Before committing (akad), get to know (ta’aruf) about IMM first!”, the meeting with prospective cadres aimed to trigger ideas improving the Commissariat. “I hope by this new cadre recruitment will bring IMM Commissariat in STKIP Muhammadiyah Oku Timur becoming more active and synergize. Also, insyaAllah, we will conduct NGOBI in other chances,” said Vicky Bagas, the Committee Chief.

Didi Franzhardi, M.Pd, the Chairman of STKIP Muhammadiyah Oku Timur, delivered his materials as a speaker in NGOBI and expected the prospective students have more conviction to join organizations. The students were expected to associate in the organization, especially IMM. “IMM is expected to grow and develop in Oku Timur as militant Muhammadiyah cadres,” said Didi, who was also an IMM cadre.

NGOBI is a casual dialogue initiated by the IMM Oku Timur cadre. It also becomes an implementation of the Pre-Cadre Program or the previous program before following Basic Ideological Agenda (Darul Arqam Dasar). “NGOBI becomes our strategy or the best way in introducing IMM to the students. IMM is a da’wa student medium that progressive inclusion to encourage students in association, to keep developing as militant cadre,” said Preli Yulianto, the writer of Buku Catatan Tinta Emas dari Narasi menuju Aksi IMMawan. IMM is expected to be developed and improved in Oku Timur. “IMM can contribute, compete in doing good deeds (fastabiqul khairat), and benefit for broader communities, especially the Oku Timur people, and build a great civilization in religion, states, and nations,” said Preli, who is also the Chairman of Media and Communication division for IMM Regional for South Sumatera

Narto Kurniawan, S.H., S.Sy., the Chairman of Legal and Human Rights of IMM Regional for South Sumatera delivered his materials as Keynote Speaker. Moreover, Ari Ferdiansyah, S.H., S.Sy., a Judge for Religious Court Martapura, Oku Timur; Benny Tenagus, SKM, MM, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Oku Timur also attended the meeting.

Officially Inaugurated, ASLAMA MHEIs for the Year 2022-2023

Officially Inaugurated, ASLAMA MHEIs for the Year 2022-2023

The Association of Student Dormitory Management (ASLAMA) for Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) had been inaugurated. They also conducted Forum Silaturahim Mudir Asrama (Dormitory Director Forum) and National Meeting via Zoom on Friday (04/03). Prof. Dr. H. M. Noor Rachman Hadjam, S.U from Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD), inaugurated the ASLAMA Boards for 2022-2023.

Dr. Irwan Baadilla, M.Pd, the Chairman of ASLAMA MHEIs, mentioned that ASLAMA is an institution under Muhammadiyah CHERD that manages all MHEIs’ dormitories in Indonesia. The various names of dormitory comprise of a dormitory, asrama, pesantren mahasiswa, PUTM, and Ma’had Ali. “ASLAMA has a significant role in producing Muhammadiyah cadre providing a place to edify morals of MHEIs academic civitas as the current theme The Strategic Roles of ASLAMA in improving Islamic Campus Behaviour Index of MHEIs,” he said.

Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si, the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) as the host of the agenda, congratulated ASLAMA Boards for their new mandate. He also expected that the dormitory would become a place to establish cadre and elevate their soft skills. “When students graduate from the dormitory, I hope they can preach and do the community services,” he said. The dormitory also requires to realize the organization’s goal as Muhammadiyah service to encourage good morality and Islamic spirit. “I hope it (read: the dormitory) can produce the excellent generation to contribute to the foundation, communities (ummah), states, and nations,” said Prof. Dr. H. M. Noor Rachman Hadjam, S.U.

Afterward, it continued with the presentation and discussion by Dr. Muhammad Samsudin, S.Ag., M.Pd as the Vice-Secretary of CHERD with the theme The Strategic Roles of ASLAMA in improving Islamic Campus Behaviour Index of MHEIs. Also, the boards were called upon National Meeting (RAKORNAS). Prof. Dr. dr. Em Sutrisna, M.Kes, the Vice-Rector IV for Human Resource affairs, Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies, and Informational System, closed the meeting. [] CHERD

To Encourage Youth in Develop Enterprise, IAIM Sinjai Held Entrepreneurial Workshop

Encouraging Youth, IAIM Sinjai Held Entrepreneurial Workshop

The Institute for Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai students organized Entrepreneurial Workshop on Monday (07/03). They held the workshop in the Profession Community Service Program (KKN-P) at Puncak village, South Sinjai district. Also, the workshop conducted in the Hall of Village Administrative Office raised the theme “Capacity Building for Entrepreneur and Technopreneurship spirit”. Hardiyanti Ridwan, SPd MPd, the lecturer of Economics and Islamic Law (FEHI) IAIM Sinjai, delivered her presentation as a resource person.

The Village Coordinator (Kordes), Suriadi, expected the workshop advantages could apply to the broader community. He also hoped that the workshop could support the community, especially the youth, in internalizing entrepreneurship. “The agenda aims to adjust societal needs in the digital era. We need to educate on how to be entrepreneurs in the current era by inviting a competent lecturer,’ he said.

Puncak Village Chief (ad interim) also attended the workshop. In his remarks, he appreciated the KKN-P students’ program to encourage the youth in becoming entrepreneurs and develop business. Moreover, the workshop started with an online sale technique and system. The speaker also motivates the youth to elevate businesses and enterprises with discipline, high commitment, honesty, creativity, innovation, independence, and be realistic.

Furthermore, village non-commissioned officer (Babinsa), Village Council (BPD) and boards, community leaders, religious figures, youth leaders, women leaders, and several people from various areas in Puncak village also attended the event. [] CHERD

UMJ Students Distributed Aid For Serang Flood Victims

UMJ Students Distributed Aid For Serang Flood Victims

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) sent students from Muhammadiyah Student Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah/IMM) on Friday (04/03). They are Commissariat cadres from Agriculture Faculty. For the procession, the Dean of Agriculture Faculty, Ir Sularno MSi accompanied by the Head of Administrative Office, Nofyan Safri sent the student team to Serang. The Chairman of Commissariat, Lefri, also followed the distribution. On the humanitarian mission, they aimed to distribute the clothing-aids for the flood victims in Serang, Banten.

Ir Sularno MSi expressed his gratitude to IMM cadres for initiating the donations for the victims. Moreover, he also appreciated the donors for disbursing their assistance. “I hope Allah SWT strengthens the flood victims in Serang,” said Sularno, as reported on the UMJ site, to give his courage to Serang flood victims.

As they arrived at the disaster site, they were welcomed by the Chief of Community Unit (RW), Dedi. He mentioned the recent natural disaster was the most severe flood over the years. “The flood commonly struck in one Neighborhood Unit (RT). However, it struck in 4 RTs,” he said.

On this distribution, the IMM cadres distributed the aids over Dedi, the Chief. Dedi also appreciated the students, and on behalf of the victims, he claimed that they need various assistance, especially clothes. “We need clothes because most of our belongings drifted away during the flood or covered in mud,” he added. [] CHERD

Pasbar Earthquake, UM Sumbar Donates for Disaster Affected Students

Pasbar Earthquake, UM Sumbar Donates for Disaster Affected Students

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UM Sumbar) donated 43 disaster affected students in Pasaman Barat (Pasbar), West Sumatera. The earthquake struck on Friday (25/02) with a magnitude of 6,1 had damaged the majority of students’ housing. The Rector of UM Sumbar, Riki Saputra, the Vice-Rector II, Mursal, and the Vice-Rector III, Moch Abdi, several lecturers, and the president of Student Body visited Pasbar on Wednesday (02/03).

“It is our grief. We are here to strengthen our bond and lighten the burdens of the disaster-affected students,” said Riki in a written statement. He also prompted the students to be strong in facing the disaster. Afterwards, he directly distributed assistance in the logistic form to the students and their families. The Rector also mentioned the campus will regulate a policy to cut the current semester tuition fee to all disaster-affected students.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumbar also visited the students and their families in shelters and several severely damaged locations. It was particularly students’ housing that affected the access road. Moreover, one of the students, Syafri appreciated the Rector’s visitation concerning the disaster-affected people from UM Sumbar. [] UM Sumbar / CHERD

ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta Urges Sharia Micro Credit Program

ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta Urges Sharia Micro Credit Program

Sinarmas Bank, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Institute for Technology and Business Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta (ITB Ahmad Dahlan) organized Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in Maya Hotel, Sanur, Bali. They discussed the opportunity of Kredit Usaha Rakyat (Micro Credit Program/KUR) for educators (lecturer and teacher) to continue their studies in the Master and Doctoral program. It is also for health workers to improve their skills and specialized doctors. The discussion took a study case in Muhammadiyah entity that owns various services in teaching and health services for over 100 thousand. “As a speaker, I present the data of teachers, lecturers, and health workers in Muhammadiyah services that potential to get funding in sharia micro-credit program. Undoubtedly, the forum can not mention the amount of those who grant governmental scholarship to continue the study,” said Mukhawe Pakkana, the Rector of ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta.

According to Mukhaer, the KUR scheme to both unskilled and skilled Indonesia Migrant Workers (PMI) had been funded since 2010. So the FGD recommendation about the grant funding scheme for teachers, lecturers, and health workers becomes important. In the FGD, three groups of professional workers have no specific scheme in this current KUR management. “We (read: ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta) were asked to arrange Academic Manuscript to portray the KUR urgency to these three professions. The manuscript, then, is expected to be a presidential decree (Perpres) escorted by the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs,” he said.

Moreover, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Council for Economic and Entrepreneurs also explained KUR assistance to improve qualities of three different professions and institutional performance from their workplace. It also aims to provide accessible funding at an affordable rate and an effective system. KUR becomes a necessity due to the low rate, below 6 percent, and subsidized by the government. “I expected it might be an entry point to formulate further steps. It is not only for Muhammadiyah entities but also for all communities in accessing affordable funding systems via KUR. I hope this attempt will grant the blessing from Allah. Aamiin,” he said. [] ITB Ahmad Dahlan / CHERD

UM Palopo Discussed Education Issue in Pandemic

UM Palopo Discussed Education Issue in Pandemic

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo (UM Palopo) organized Bazaar and Dialogue on Monday (28/02). The Student Association of Development Economics (HMPS EP) UM Palopo arranged the agenda on Warkop Kampus (campus Caffe) on Andi Mas Jaya street, Boting, Wara, Palopo. It was a program from the Education division. One of the accomplished lecturers in UM Palopo, Harmita Sari SPd MPd as Indonesia Language lecturer becomes the resource person. Besides Harmita, Suprianto Baen, the Chairman of Islamic Student Association (HMI MPO) Palopo, and Ari Putra Daliman, the Division Chief of IPMAL also delivered their materials. Chairil, the Organization Division of HMPS EP hosted the event as moderator.

The committee chief, Muhammad Rifki, and the vices-secretary, Anggi Novita and Ice Krisna accompanied. Muhammad Rifki explained that they raised Education Issues in Indonesia. They were concerned about various challenges in education due to the pandemic. “Education in Indonesia, since the Covid-19 pandemic, is far from independent. We face degradation from all educational aspects,” he said.

Rifki also mentioned the 1945 Constitutions of Indonesia attached education as a process in national improvement. Therefore, as an educated student, it is important to discuss educational issues. “We can not sit comfortably while restrained from knowledge. So the dialogue becomes one of the solutions offered,” said Rifki.

Harmita highlighted the Covid-19 pandemic brought a situational shift in the learning process. However, as a non-natural disaster, the transformation can be a systematic aspect. “In this situation, the solution we offer is to prepare for the next period. Because the educational productivity amidst Covid-19 can be achieved when the parents, teachers, and students take the efficient transformation altogether and start from themselves,” she said.

UMT Provides Tuition Discount To Celebrate Tangerang Anniversary

UMT Provides Tuition Discount To Celebrate Tangerang Anniversary

To commemorate the 29th Tangerang City Anniversary, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT) provides tuition discounts for prospective students who register. 2.229 discount quotas will be disbursed to the first enrolment for 2.9 million each, which becomes educational assistance. The UMT Rector, Dr Ahmad Amarullah explained the discount is available for students from Tangerang and outside Tangerang. “So it is our commitment to provide all students registered from Tangerang and all regions,” said Amarullah as in his written statement, Wednesday (01/03).

Amarullah mentioned Tangerang anniversary on 28 February 2022 reflects a positive spirit to become a blessing for surroundings. “From here, Tangerang will gain a lot of blessing to be an advance city from other cities in Banten province and Indonesia in general,” he said.

The Vice-Chairman of Indonesia Moslem Council (MUI) Advisory Board, KH Muhyiddin Junaidi appreciated UMT policy in providing affordable and qualified services to communities. “It is the real contribution from UMT. I hope other educational institutions can follow this policy. I hope it can produce a smart and excellent generation in the future,” he said. [] UMT / CHERD