Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai on Thursday (04/11) had a new doctoral lecturer as Jamaluddin, officially held the degree. The doctoral degree was achieved after Jamaluddin, who also becomes the Head of the Islamic Studies Study Program (PAI) Tarbiyah and the Teacher Training Faculty (FTIK), defended his dissertation in front of the examiners, promotors, and co-promotor virtually through Zoom Meeting. The dissertation entitled “The Influence of Utilization of ICT Based Teaching Materials and Printed Materials on Motivation, Learning Activities and Result on Aqidah Akhlaq (faith and morality) Subject in MAN 1 Sinjai”.
This Head of Islamic Studies Study Program needed 3 years 2 months to finish the highest academic degrees conferred by Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar (UINAM) in Education and Teacher Training Speciality.
“Alhamdulillah, in this afternoon, we have finished the outstanding achievement which is a doctoral promotion of Jamaluddin. As co-promotor, I congratulated hhim for the achievement in the doctoral degree as his highest academic degree. The degree would also add the academic loads for him,” Daeng Ilyas Ismail said.
He continued that the doctoral degree was an academic basket, “So, you have to keep on learning to keep fulfilling the doctoral basket. Also, do not forget to maintain the good name of alma mater everywhere you belong,” he added.
Moreover, Jamal, a nickname for Jamaluddin, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the family who supported and prayed for him. He also appreciated the rector and academic civitas of IAIM Sinjai for assisting him in pursuing the highest academic degree.
IAIM Sinjai currently has 18 lecturers with doctoral degrees (Strata-3) and 31 postgraduate students in well-known campuses in Indonesia and Malaysia.