PTMA Opportunity in Social Security Development

Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council conducted a webinar “The Opportunities and Challenges in National Social Security Development” last Friday (27/8). The webinar invited several speakers, namely dr. Ibnu Naser Arrohimi S.Ag MMR, Advisory Board of BPJS Kesehatan; dr Andi Afdal MBA AAK, and Abdur Rahman Irsyadi MM. Meanwhile, Amika Wardana Ph.D. is the moderator on this agenda.

Previously, Muhammadiyah had conducted the social security mapping; however, it was still limited to BPJS Kesehatan. Nurhadi, Ph.D., in his speech, explained that community welfare became a critical issue to discuss by Muhammadiyah. The schemes of social protection and security have been ideas for government and society. “PTMA has potential to contribute to the development. For example, by research and resources,” he added.

Ibnu Naser explained the role of BPJS Kesehatan and the opportunity of community and academic organizations to participate in social security development. In this case, PTMA as the educational institution can give competence development, program development, and knowledge development. “Up to now, there are no higher education institutions which seriously develop the claim management skills. The question is, is PTMA capable of being a pioneer?” he concluded at the end of his presentation.

Then, Andi Afdal explained that the social protection mechanism of BPJS Kesehatan is gotong royong (mutual cooperation) spirit. It means that the role of the society and BPJS recipients keep paying the membership dues even though they were healthy. “The youth and women dominate BPJS Kesehatan. The millennials can play a role as the future leaders of BPJS Kesehatan and innovation activator,” he said.

PTMA has played a role in increasing the quality of BPJS Kesehatan through the collaboration of health facilities to ensure access availability and health service continuity. In addition, by optimizing the research. The opportunities exist, including, firstly, the synergy of the Open Journal System with the Corporate University of BPJS Kesehatan. Secondly, the synergy of Open Call for Research with the Deputy of Research and Information of BPJS Kesehatan. Thirdly, the syllabi development and teaching materials, Stadium Generale, Guest Lecture, and sharing.

PTMA Opportunity in Social Security Development

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