UM Jakarta Agreed To Collaborate with STIKES Muh Tegal

Slawi – The Rector of UM Jakarta, Dr. Ma’mun Murod Al-Barbasy, M.Si, signed the MoU with STIKES Muhammadiyah Tegal collaborating to improve Catur Dharma (four values) implementation of STIKES Muh Tegal in Muhammadiyah Da’wa Building in Tegal, Monday (14/03). The MoU signing procession was also attended by the tenth Headmasters of Muhammadiyah Elementary-Vocational High School in Tegal regency and city. The procession was witnessed by H. Arif Azman, the Chairman of Muhamadiyah Regional Board of Tegal, and Hendra Apriyadi, M.Pd, the Vice-Chairman of STIKES Muh Tegal.

Arief Azman highly welcomed the UMJ Rector’s program. He expected the program could benefit the Muhammadiyah schools’ development in the Tegal regency and city. “By several collaborative programs, I hope we can synergize to strengthen and act together,” said Arief.

Furthermore, Hendra Apriyadi, M.Pd added that the synergy and collaboration between UM Jakarta and STIKES Muh Tegal focused on education, research, and MHEI’s catur dharma development. “I hope it advantageous for STIKES Muhammadiyah Tegal’s improvement,” he said. After the signing procession, Dr Ma’mun Murod Al-Barbasy, M.Si expected that STIKES Muhammadiyah Tegal would progress well and becomes a highly qualified higher education institution. “We should encourage ourselves to improve Muhammadiyah service, especially in Muhammadiyah higher education institutions,” he said.

UM Jakarta Agreed To Collaborate with STIKES Muh Tegal

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